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Woman forced to lie next to her dead boyfriend for three days following crash

A woman in Scotland has been rescued from a car wreckage after three days of waiting next to her dead boyfriend.

A woman was left to lie next her dead boyfriend for three days following a car crash by neglectful police, new reports claim.

Lamara Bell was travelling with boyfriend, John, in Scotland when they were involved in a car crash that instantly took John’s life.

Lying next to John’s body, the mother-of-two waited hours for help to come, with severe injuries of her own.

However, no help came for more than three days, leaving Lamara to sit in the wreckage with John’s dead body next to her.

After being freed from the wreckage after three days, Lamara’s condition was critical and she was immediately admitted to a local hospital only to be put on life support.

However, since the details of her harrowing case emerged, Lamara’s father, Ossie, has spoken out, claiming that the police were informed of the car crash but failed to act to save his daughter.

“Lamara was in a field for three days after the accident. She was on her way home,” wrote Ossie in his Facebook post, “Because of some nice guy that phoned it in and was ignored by the incident room the messages were never passed on. Now my daughter is laying on life support.”

The police in the area have confirmed that they were informed about the crash, but a failure in communication prevented any search and rescue attempts.

“It has come to light that a call was made to police late on Sunday morning regarding a car which was reported as being off the road,” said Scotland Police in a statement, “For reasons currently being investigated, that report was not followed up at the time.”

Lamara is currently in a critical condition.

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