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What’s wrong with the ‘No’ campaign ad?

For starters, the dress claim has been branded a bold-faced lie by her son's school principal.
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The first ‘No’ campaign ad has aired on TV thanks to the Coalition for Marriage and it’s a doozey.


In the scheme of offensive content we’ve seen during the “respectful debate”, including the Australian Christian Lobby claiming marriage equality would create a stolen generation of children, this one may not bowl you over for offensiveness, but that in itself is a depressing concept.

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Arguably the most offensive aspect of the ad is the fact it’s aimed at worried mothers who are trying to protect their children – two of whom look scarily identical if we’re honest.

The opening line of the ad isn’t about same-sex marriage at all.


“School told my son he could wear a dress next year if he felt like it,” says Mother One.

You know when you’re talking about something innocuous like the weather, and then a mum interrupts with, “Speaking of the sunny weather, my child has the cutest nose! I’ll show you a photo,” and suddenly everything’s about her kid and no one else cares? That’s Mother One.

What are you looking at?!


Her statement has literally no relevance at all to same-sex marriage at all; unless, of course, they’re using the analogy that just because other people have the same options as you doesn’t mean you have to do it? That’s probably it.

Mother One is actually known in the real world as Cella White, a vocal critic of the Safe Schools program, and now the Melbourne principal of her son’s school has disputed that claim.

“We checked with all the teachers, it never happened,” John Albiston told Fairfax.


“I have never had any complaints that we advised the boys they could wear dresses. We didn’t offer them that option.

“Why would this so-called incident that never happened have anything to do with marriage equality?”

Why indeed, John.


The next offputtingly vacant-eyed mum argues: “When same sex marriage passes as law overseas, this type of program become (sic) widespread and compulsory.”

What becomes compulsory nobody knows. Must everyone have to marry a same-sex partner? Does everyone suddenly become a homosexual?

WATCH: Penny Wong’s moving speech on marriage equality.

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A quick glance at countries like Canada, USA, Ireland and New Zealand proves that straight couples are still free to carry on their lives as normal and do not instantly become gay. Unless Mother Two knows more than we do…

Next, “In countries with gay marriage, parents have lost their rights to choose” flashes on the screen.

Again, choose what? Choose whether their child marries someone the same-sex as them? The ambiguity in this ad is too damn high.

Mother Three, who may as well be Mother One in the diversity stakes, returns to the fear-mongering-using-kids tactic.


“Kids in Year 7 are being asked to role-play being in a same-sex relationship,” Pastor Heidi McIvor says.

This ad honestly borders on too confusing to be offensive, but that’s how Trump got into power so…

Opposition Leader Bill Shorten told Fairfax that the ad is “offensive and hurtful to LGBTI Australians and their families.”


“This is exactly what was predicted when Malcolm Turnbull decided to waste $122 million on a postal survey. He gave the green light to this rubbish,” he added.

The ad comes weeks after Royals creative partner Nick Cummins launched an appeal for advertising, PR and marketing teams to say no to helping the ‘No’ campaign.

The “Say No to No” petition has received more than 500 signatures, so hopefully we won’t have to see many more “dishonest and disgusting” ads, or at least have somebody fact-checking claims…

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