Justine Damond’s devastated family and friends are still trying to come to terms with her devastating and senseless death, just weeks before she was due to marry her long-time love, Don Damond, in an intimate ceremony in Hawaii.
As they struggle to comprehend why Justine was taken from them, it’s now been revealed another woman in the US is suing the police officer who shot Justine dead outside her home.
Nine News reports Teresa Graham filed a lawsuit against Mohamed Noor, just a day before he shot Justine.
Ms Graham is suing officer Noor for false imprisonment, assault, battery and negligence.
Like Justine, Ms Graham was also reporting a crime. She dialled 911 on May 25 to report a man was outside the back of her house smoking marijuana.
She claims officer Noor and two other Minneapolis police officers arrived on the scene and forced their way into her home.
Court documents allege Noor took away her mobile phone and took hold of her wrist and arm.
Officer Noor

Teresa Graham. Source: Nine News
It comes after police in Minnesota released 911 transcripts.
Justine called the police twice after hearing a “distressed” woman in the alleyway outside her house.
When police responded to the call, Justine was fatally shot outside her home. She was wearing her pyjamas at the time.
The Mail Online reports Officer Mohamed Noor shot Justine after she “startled” him in the dark.
A friend of Noor spoke to the Mail Online on the condition of anonymity and said Noor opened fire on Justine when an unidentified figure emerged from the dark and ran towards the vehicle.
The 911 caller [Justine] had reportedly been “panicking” when she phoned to report an assault so Noor viewed the situation as tense when he arrived on the scene.
Time: 23:27:02
Operator: 911, what’s the address of the emergency?
Caller: Hi, I’m, I can hear someone out the back and I, I’m not sure if she’s having sex or being raped.
Operator: Give me the address.
Caller: 5024 Washburn Avenue South.
Operator: Washburn Avenue South. You said it’s behind (inaudible)?
Caller: And there’s a (inaudible) out the back, yup, yup. And I think she just yelled out “help” but it’s difficult the sound has been going on for a while, but I think, I don’t think she’s enjoying it. I think it’s, I don’t know.
Operator: Okay, well I already got a call started and help on the way. Uh, you can’t see anything, you’re just hearing a female screaming then, is that what you’re saying?
Caller: Yeah. It sounds like sex noises, but it’s been going on for a while and I think she tried to say help and it sounds distressed.
Operator: Okay, I’ve already got an officer on the way. What is your name?
Caller: JUSTINE.
Operator: JUSTINE, what’s your last name?
Caller: JUSTINE.
Operator: JUSTINE.
Caller: Yeah.
Operator: And a phone number?
Caller: (redacted)
Operator: Okay, we’ve already got help on the way. If anything changes before we get there just give us a call right back, but officers should be there soon.
Caller: Thanks.
Operator: Okay, not a problem.
Time: 23:35:23
Operator: 911, what is the address of the emergency?
Caller: Hi, I just reported one, but no one’s here and was wondering if they got the address wrong.
Operator: What’s the address?
Caller: 5024 Washburn Avenue South. It supposed to be Washburn Avenue South.
Operator: Are you JUSTINE?
Caller: Yeah, (inaudible).
Operator: You’re hearing a female screaming?
Caller: Yes, along behind the house.
Operator: Yup, officers are on the way there.
Caller: Thank you.
Operator: You’re welcome, bye.
A dawn vigil was held in Justine Damond’s hometown of Freshwater Beach in Sydney last week to pay tribute to the meditation teacher.
Ms Damond’s father, John Ruszczyk, led the silent tribute to the 40-year-old after a US medical examiner ruled the 40-year-old’s death a homicide.
WATCH: The two police officers involved had their body cameras turned off against regulation.
“This individual died of a gunshot wound of the abdomen,” the Hennepin County Medical Examiner’s Office announced.
“Manner of death is homicide.”

Justine’s fiancé Don Damond, who was away on business the night of the shooting, released a statement expressing his frustration at the lack of information received by the family.
“Our hearts are broken and we utterly devastated by the loss of Justine,” he said in a statement.
“As you know, it was Justine who called 911 on Saturday evening, reporting what she believed was an active sexual assault occurring nearby.”
“She touched so many people with her loving and generous heart. She was a teaching to so many and living a life of openness, love and kindness,” he said.
“She was so kind and so darn funny. It is difficult to fathom how to go forward without her in my life.”
Damond added they’d been given “almost no additional information from law enforcement regarding what happened after police arrived”.
“We’ve lost the dearest of people and we’re desperate for information,” he said.
Tragically, new footage of Justine three weeks before her death has been released by The Guardian.
Justine is seen rescuing some ducklings in the video. You can watch below: