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School accidentally publishes ‘real life burn book’

A high school in Texas has come under fire after its yearbook was found to contain rude and insulting messages under the student's photos.

We all know that high school can be, for some, a trying experience. With hormones running on high, and teenagers in such close proximity to each other, conflicts and clashes are practically unavoidable. However, those clashes and conflicts are mostly confined to whispers behind backs and nasty text messages, and are – usually – not printed and distributed to every single student in the school.

According to news.com.au, W.T. White High School in Dallas, Texas, had already delivered the annual yearbook to its students before they realised that the book had been “hacked” and the captions underneath photos of students edited to include mean insults.

The book has been dubbed a “real life burn book”, in reference to the film Mean Girls, because of the harsh and sexual nature of the insults.

“When do I get the call from Teen Mom?” is written underneath the photo of one young girl, whilst “The only negatively around here should be a pregnancy test” read another.

One of the students targeted in the yearbook is Juanita Cedillo, a wheelchair bound girl with cerebral palsy who was crowned ‘Prom Queen’ the year before. Underneath her picture were the words, “Wanna hear the most annoying noise in the world?”

“I questioned myself. I was like, ‘What could be that annoying noise? Was it my voice?’” said Cedillo, “I went in there Monday, thinking, “Yay, it’s here. The thing that I’ve been waiting for is here.” For them to taint it, it’s not OK. It really isn’t. Don’t taint something that’s important.”

The writer of the ‘burn book’ is still unknown, and parents and teachers are currently trying to recall all the copies with little luck.

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