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US gunman opens fire on movie theatre; kills two, injures seven

A gunman in Louisiana has killed two people in a local movie theatre, before turning the gun on himself.

A 58-year-old gunman has opened fire upon a movie theatre in Louisiana, killing two and injuring seven.

A “lone white male” entered into the Lafayette theatre during a screening of new film ‘Trainwreck’ and opened fire upon the crowd with a semi-automatic weapon.

The Layafette Police Chief has revealed that two people were killed in the hail of fire, before the gunman turned the gun upon himself.

The Police Chief went on reveal that the seven people injured’s conditions ranged from critical to non-life threatening.

Some 100 people were in the theatre at the time.

A woman who was in the movie theatre at the time, Katie Domingue, spoke to a local newspaper, saying that she didn’t initially realise the man was shooting.

“We heard a loud pop we thought was a firecracker,” said Domingue, “He wasn’t saying anything. I didn’t hear anybody screaming either.”

This shooting takes place almost three years to the day of the movie theatre massacare by James Holmes in Aurora, Colorado, which killed 12.

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