Two men appear to have committed suicide after their names turned up in the Ashley Madison hack.
One of the men was a 25-year-old veteran of the San Antonio police force in Texas, who shot himself with his own gun.
His friends are distraught, with many taking to Facebook to say it’s just not worth it.
One message says: “Rest in Peace Captain Mike Gorhum. You truly are one of the guys … never backed down, always had your partners back or when you were in charge, your officer’s back. Whatever it was, I wish one of us could have reached you, could have told you, “regardless, it will be OK”. Love you Mike. This is a hard day. God bless you, and your family and the Department.”
Ashley Madison was a website for people who wanted to have an affair, but 90 cent of members were men who handed over credit cards and were charged for the privilege. Very few actually met anyone in real life, mainly because so few women were on the site.
Ashley Madison is busy providing news outlets around the world with what it insists are ‘real women’ who were on the site, but few if any have given their names.
The New York Daily News says a second suicide in Canada may also be related to the hack.
The website is offering a $500,000 reward for information that leads to the prosecution of the people responsible for the hack.
More than 37 million emails from the Ashley Madison website are now online, and many include links to sexual preferences.