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Tony Abbott skolls a beer at Sydney pub

The Prime Minister pulled a Bob Hawke on Saturday night by toasting a team of Aussie footy players and then downing a beer.

Move over Bob Hawke.

Prime Minister Tony Abbott has delighted a crowd of Aussie Rules players at an Eastern Sydney pub by skolling a beer, in under six seconds.

The Prime Minister was clearly trying to do a Bob Hawke when he downed a schooner without stopping.

Dozens of players, from the UTS Bats Football club, were celebrating their second club presentations for the season at the Royal Oak Hotel in Double Bay when one of the coaches, Simon Carrodus asked the PM to join them for a drink.

“We were doing the presentations and we line up all the best players from all of the grades and they are about to skoll a schooner of VB,” Carrodus told The Weekly who was coincidentally at the venue.

“I walked over to Tony and said ‘Will you come over and have a beer with the best players as part of the presentation. You don’t have to say anything, you don’t have to skoll, but if you could have a drink with them, they’d love it.’

“He said ‘absolutely no problem.’

“I brought him over [to the presentations] and said, ‘We’ll give you a beer and just cheers.’ He ignores that, puts the beer down and grabs the microphone and gives a speech, which went along the lines of: ‘Well isn’t this a real treat, I’ve been a rugby man all my life but now I finally get to hang out with some real footballers’ to which of course the crowd went crazy.

“Then he proceeds to reach down and grab a schooner and he drank from head-to-toe the entire schooner, dribbling little bits on his shirt.. and then tipped it upside down on his head. He was proud as punch.”

The footage obtained by The Weekly was filmed by UTS Bats player Luke Trimboli and Imogen Moyle, who were at the Royal Oak

As the Prime Minister walked away from the crowd of players chanting his name, he’d clearly gained a few more supporters.

“Just hours ago I was saying to the boys, ‘You couldn’t pay me to have a beer with Abbott’, but after he downed that beer I’ve reconsidered,” says UTS Bats player Michael May.

But his teammate, James Caica – who welcomed the Prime Minister on the microphone – tells The Weekly he wasn’t so swayed by the skoll.

“As much as I’m impressed with his performance tonight, I’d hate to be responsible for giving him a boost in the polls,” says Caica.

Whether the Prime Minister enjoys a spike in his approval ratings or not, it looks like beer swilling is par for the course for Oxford Rhodes Scholars.

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