Tommy Little has finally revealed the real meaning behind a series of raunchy photos posted to Instagram, and it’s thrown us for a loop.
The photos, which showed the media personality nearly-nude in a number of urban locations, were actually designed to raise awareness for youth homelessness.
Yes, really!
During a special segment on Tuesday night’s episode of The Project, he explained: “For the last two weeks I’ve been making an absolute tit of myself by posting shots on Instagram and telling anyone who’d listen about how I wanted to get into modelling and people have been so nice about my career.”
“[I was being] a dickhead that modeled clothes I bought from Homie, a charity shop that helps homeless people. I used Instagram to also frame out reality,” the comedian continued. “The pictures you have seen so far are cropped but now it’s time to stop focusing on a guy who wet the bed until he was 12 and zoom out to see what is really going on in these pictures.”
The 33-year-old has since reposted all the modeling shots, but this time as galleries, showing a before-and-after of sorts.
For example, in one snap he appears topless against a navy curtain, but a quick zoom-out reveals the reality… he’s actually standing in a doctor’s office at YSAS (Youth Support and Advocacy Service), a not-for-profit agency that helps at-risk youth with a range of services including free medical and mental health care.
Another shows him staring longingly into the camera with smoldering eyes, but after swiping across you’ll see he’s actually laying — uncomfortably — across a park bench with a “completely unnecessary” armrest.
Take a look for yourself:
“The streets have always been tough, but thanks to this crap, it’s gotten a whole lot tougher,” he told the panel. “I’m talking about hostile or defensive architecture — and like a drunken uncle it’s getting smashed all over your city. Sometimes it’s with spikes on the ground to make a space too uncomfortable for a person to sleep there or unnecessary bars across benches, many you can’t lie down on.”
He added: “When you not only ignore the people that are most vulnerable but actually target them, that’s just not the society that I want to live in.”
Tommy closed the segment by asking viewers to do their bit for Youth Homelessness Matters Day (April 18).
“Here is my challenge to you at home. Tomorrow is Youth Homelessness Matters Day,” he said. “If you want to help out, you can jump online and donate to places like Launch and the Lighthouse Foundation, they are doing amazing work.”
If you would like to contribute to one or more of the charities mentioned, you can find out more information here. Or visit Tommy’s Instagram page here.