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This Dad wants to tattoo his child

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tattooed dad with baby

Identical twins can pose a problem to even the most eagle-eyed parent. Until the babies grow up and take on their own characteristics they can be nearly impossible to tell apart.

A loving Dad by the handle of Thrwydad has taken to Reddit to ask if anyone has ever tattooed their twins to tell them apart, not because they don’t want to call them the wrong names, but because it may be a matter of life and death.

“My wife and I have two very premature twin boys. There is no difference between them apart from Aaron having very serious health issues, requiring him to have medication every 4 hours. If he doesn’t have his medication it leads to significant consequences. The boys are 12 months old and are completely identical. Even me and my wife can’t tell them apart and have been drawing on Adams arm every day with permanent marker.”

Seems like a good solution, however it is far from fool-proof.

“… when the twins were at grandmas and after a bath rubbed off the texta, grandma accidently gave Aaron’s medication to Adam. Adam ended up very sick and Aaron in hospital for a week. This is a serious extreme situation and I don’t want to take this risk again. We have had other mix-ups with the boys but it has never wound up this bad.

“We have tried other things but nothing else worked as well as the texta for numerous reasons-nail polish, bracelet, anklets, specific color clothes for each boy, shaving ones head and having the others long.”

Also, great solutions that don’t involve inflicting pain or needles on a small child, however it is possible to forget who is wearing what colour today, or for nail polish to rub off active children’s fingers. These solutions are impermanent and therefore unreliable.

“We are after a more permanent solution. I read online about someone tattooing a single dot on one of their twins and also about piercing ears. I really hate to say it but we are here. I need to do something permanent. I could have lost both my sons last weekend and I’m desperate. I am only after permanent solutions. Believe me when I say we have tried everything else before and it didn’t work. Please help me. I don’t want to lose my boy.”

The Reddit responses have been varied but mostly everyone is supportive for a solution that helps Thrwydad tells his boys apart and keep them safe and well.

Reddit responses

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