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The world reacts to Hillary Clinton’s new advert

And it features a backing track of some of the derogatory things her opponent Donald Trump has said about women.

Hillary Clinton’s newest campaign video pulls no punches when it comes to Donald Trump. The short clip, released over the weekend, shows young girls looking into the mirror, while Trump’s past comments about the physical appearances of women run in the background.

The advert simply asks the question: “Is this the president we want for our daughters?”, and goes onto play some on Trump’s not-so-charming sound bites, including “I’d look her right in that fat ugly face of hers” and “A person who is flat-chested is very hard to be a 10″.

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The short, 30-second clip has been gradually gaining momentum since its release but not everyone is loving it. While celebrities, well-known figures and members of the public are taking to social media to discuss and share and laud it, others are arguing that the message should be focused on her own policies rather than quote Trump. Here’s a collection of Twitter responses from all side.


And there are still those who are undecided about the ad:


Both presidential candidates will take part in the first debate of the 2016 tomorrow Australian time, and the TV showdown will be watched the world over by those who still haven’t decided which way to vote – and those who have. It will be interesting to see the fall out from this. Stay tuned.

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