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The Weekly’s Editor in Chief Helen McCabe wins MacKillop Award

Editor-in-chief of The Australian Women's Weekly, Helen McCabe became only the fourth person to win the prestigious St Mary of the Cross MacKillop Award for Outstanding Contribution to the Media yesterday.
Helen McCabe the Editor in Chief of The Australian Women's Weekly

Helen McCabe

The award, part of the media awards run by the Catholic Archdiocese of Adelaide, gives recognition to a South Australian journalist who consistently exhibits strong moral fibre and a sense of justice, fairness and truth in the work they produce.

Helen, originally hailing from the South Australian rural town of Hamley Bridge, was a clear choice for the panel of judges. Not withstanding the fact that over the past 12 months the magazine has tackled many difficult issues that affect real women; domestic violence, sexual abuse, suicide, anxiety, IVF and fertility, obesity, her work actively championing causes impressed the panel.

She instigated the Women of the Future Scholarship Fund, which assists women to achieve their dreams and also started a campaign in the magazine to highlight the appalling adoption rates in Australia. This campaign was used to lobby government for a more workable solution to many Australian families wishing to adopt but unable to due to red-tape. She also sits on the National Adoption Awareness Week board and is constant in her commitment to this cause.

“As a proud South Australian with a proud culture of journalism I am delighted to receive the award,” Helen said.

“But I should add that I am aided by a particularly talented team that shares my passion for stories about the disadvantaged or any story where there is injustice. Having said that, thanks to Archbishop Philip Wilson and his team for continuing to support quality journalism in South Australia.”

Speaking about Helen, the Archbishop of Adelaide Philip Wilson said: “Now more than ever the media is an important window that we all should look through for the truth. They bring the voices of the world to us and tell the stories of real people. This gives us all greater understanding and compassion. Helen is a worthy winner. She conducts herself with honesty and integrity and she never shies away from a big issue. Just like Mary MacKillop.”

The Archbishop also confessed that he looks forward to his trips to the dentist where he catches up with the latest copy of The Australian Women’s Weekly. He said the recipes are his favourite section.

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