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“Take my brother first”: father campaigns to have 13-year-old son’s bravery recognised

Left, the late Jordan Rice and right, Blake at the funeral of his mother and brother.

It was those words, and 13-year-old Jordan’s determined self-sacrifice, that saved his younger brother Blake’s life. Now, his father John Tyson is campaigning to make sure that both Jordan’s memory and bravery are formally recognised with the posthumous award of Australia’s highest civilian honour, the Cross of Valour.

“Jordan couldn’t swim,” John wrote on website Change.org, as part of a campaign to have his son awarded the medal, a campaign that now has more than 110,000 supporters.

“He must have been petrified. But he put his fears aside to make sure his brother made it through the terrifying flood. Moments later, Jordan and his mum were swept to their deaths. Time can never heal what losing them has meant for us. We’re still devastated, and struggling.”

In the aftermath of those horrific floods, Jordan’s bravery reached out even to the halls of Canberra’s Parliament House. Then prime Minister Julia Gillard told the country that Jordan’s  “bravery will live forever.” Then Opposition Leader Tony Abbott said that the teenager should be awarded the Cross of Valour.

But today, three years on, nothing has happened. John says the family was offered a Group Family Citation but he declined because he believes his son deserves a higher honour: the Cross of Valour, as suggested by Tony Abbott.

John Tyson and Blake Rice (right) at Donna and Jordan’s funeral.

John Tyson and Blake Rice (right) at Donna and Jordan’s funeral.

John Tyson and Blake Rice (right) at Donna and Jordan’s funeral.

The Nine Network has reported that they approached the Prime Minister’s office to ask what had been done about an award for Jordan. The PM’s office issued a statement saying that “the Prime Minister has approached the Governor general to ask for his support…”

“Nothing will ever bring Jordan and Donna back,” wrote John. “But it would mean the world to us to have his last moments of bravery properly acknowledged.”

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