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Super sexist vintage ads

Imagine a world where misogynists reigned over advertising and used sexist slogans to sell everything. Oh wait… that was the '50s.

Most married men will tell you there’s no future in “putting your wife in her place” but until the 1980s, advertisements promised to help men do just that.

From coffee campaigns that advocated spanking your lady friend her when she misbehaved, to posters for feminine hygiene products that kept her “fresh down there” so you wouldn’t be forced to leave her, the advertising of yesteryear was shockingly sexist.

Wife wants to drive your car? Don’t let her, she’ll crash it. Typewriter chipping your manicure? Buy a new one. Your boss needs “pretty hands” to look at. Here are the worst ads.

But if you did…

Yep. Women have opposable thumbs too.

On the ground, next to your shoes.

But of course.

But don’t waste your money buying a girl Lego, right?

Heaven forbid his lucky wife ever have a child because he just might not be able to suffer through the birth.

There is way too much to take issue with in this one.

Not even a roomba vacuum would make this Christmas present okay.

Because ‘pretty hands’ are more important than typing speed.

That and cleaning, of course.

It certainly was a man’s world.

Wow. Is anyone going to help her?

Who wants to look like a little girl anyway?

Yes. It is. Always.

No comment.

Move over sexy lingerie and toasters…

Wait, is that Matt Damon?

What’s unfortunate is that people are still flogging these sorts of products.

Naughty wife? Spank her!

Just the average Saturday night.

Pass the vitamins please.

Cavemen were all about cigars.

Because nobody likes a sweaty girl.

Whatever did women do before this?

So soap is the answer to eternal youth? Who knew?

Because only girls with big boobs get boyfriends.

No ‘ugly crying’ though. Men hate that.

Cancel the gym membership.

Women drivers, am I right?

Plus, then I would instantly become an excellent driver.

Men don’t like clever women.

Ah, red socks – the failsafe turn-on.

All us women do is ‘yearn to be tamed’.

Broken fingernails! First world problems.

Want to lose weight but gain cancer?

Why can’t you just stop nagging?

Because countless divorce papers read ‘she had runs in her stockings’.

Yes. It is. Always.

Just what exactly are you suggesting we film with that?

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