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Lucky escape: Streetlight saves pedestrian from being crushed by speeding car

She wouldn’t have made it but fortunately the car hit the streetlight first.

A Polish woman has made an incredible escape from certain death as she hid behind a streetlight when an out of control came hurtling toward her.

The whole incident was captured on CCTV footage as a black sedan is seen slamming into a white SUV before it headed straight for the woman before bouncing off a pole.

The woman can be seen making a panicked dash to get out of the way – she wouldn’t have made it but fortunately the car hit the streetlight first.

As it struck the pole the sedan came to a sudden halt and the woman lay on the ground just metres away, seemingly unscathed.

According to AP no one was seriously injured in the crash.

WATCH VIDEO: Woman saved by streetlight in high speed car crash

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