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Sir Peter Cosgrove sworn in

In a nation which so deeply prides itself on its ANZAC legend it seems fitting that today one of Australia’s most celebrated and revered diggers found himself sworn into the highest constitutional office in the land.

Wearing civilian attire, Sir Peter Cosgrove was escorted into the Senate this morning by the Usher of the Black Rod and the Sargent-at-Arms and after taking an oath -affirming his faithful allegiance to her Majesty the Queen- Cosgrove left as the 26th governor-general of Australia.

During a reception held in the Parliament House Member’s Hall after the official proceedings Cosgrove, joined by his wife Lynne, described his new appointment as “exhilarating and humbling.”

“For my family, my friends and of course Lynne and I it is an unforgettable day,” said Sir Peter.

Cosgrave described former governor-general, Quentin Bryce as his “esteemed predecessor” but his praises did not stop there.

While standing in front of Prime Minister Tony Abbott and opposition leader, Bill Shorten the new governor-general paid a special mention to Australia’s politicians, calling them the “lifeblood” of our nation.

“I think I say on behalf of my fellow Australians, I applaud your whole hearted commitment to the service of your constituents and through them to the grouping of communities all the way up to the national community.”

Of course Australia’s new governor-general perhaps saved his most special mention till last when he directed his speech to those Australians in uniform.

“To our many men and women in uniform, to those in the armed services and those in that wealth of other agencies who wear the uniform with Australia upon it, you are an especially esteemed part of our national treasure and while my governor-generalship will embrace the 23 million people of this nation I’ll always have a special place for you in the depths of my heart.”

During his speech Tony Abbott touched on some of the former commander’s military achievements including Vietnam, Hurricane Larry and of course, East Timor.

The Prime Minister said that Cosgrove’s willingness “to give a fair go to others and to have a fair go” was a quality that would serve him well in his new role.

“As a governor general you will be a knight for rolling up yourselves and getting on with things because that’s what you’ve always done,” said the PM.

Officially, the Governor-General will be addressed by his full title, His Excellency General the Honourable Sir Peter Cosgrove AK MC (Retd).

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