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Scientists find formula for ‘the perfect day’

Scientists find formula for 'the perfect day'

A new study breaks down what women want from their day. Does it sound like your perfect day?

Men are constantly grappling with the mystery of what women want. A new study could help them get to the bottom of it, and they might be pleasantly surprised.

Aside from eight hours of uninterrupted sleep, a German and US survey of 900 women suggests that a woman’s top priority is a bit of romance, saying their perfect daily routine would include an average of 106 minutes enjoying ‘intimate relations’ with their partner.

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Favourite activities also included computer time, with the fairer sex opting for an average of 98 minutes on their favourite websites and checking emails.

The more predictable pastimes also got a look-in, with socialising coming in a third favourite way for women to spend their time preferring to spend 82 minutes a day on honing their social skills.

Fifty-seven minutes on the phone and 56 minutes at the shops were found to be part of a woman’s perfect day, but neither of them could trump relaxing, which the women surveyed wanted devote 78 minutes each day to.

Exercise, preparing food, commuting and some work (only 36 minutes!) were also considered in data collected to find the ‘perfect day’ which was found to include 16 different activities, each taking between 33 and 106 minutes.

“Our research asks what a perfect day would look like if we take into account the crucial fact that even the most pleasurable activities are usually less enjoyable the longer they last and the more often we do them,” said the study’s researchers.

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The researchers also analysed data from the US Time Use Survey which measures the amount of time men and women spend on activities and used it to work out the perfect routine, combining this with the survey of 900 women with an average age of 38.

The study found it was better to divide the day up into smaller packages of things you like and a variety of activities, partly to avoid boredom.

Your say: How would you divide up your perfect day?

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