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Rolf Harris’ lawyers sum up case in final address before verdict

A jury will soon consider whether Rolf Harris is guilty of assaulting four girls in the UK between 1968 and 1986.

Summing up the 84-year-old entertainer’s defence against 12 charges of indecent assault, barrister Simon Ray said Prosecutors have “trashed” Rolf Harris’ reputation but they have “fallen a long way short” of proving him guilty.

“One thing is certain, Mr Harris’ reputation has effectively been trashed, it will never be the same again,” Mr Ray told the jury.

“Maybe your own childhood memories have been altered. But after all of that, when you take a step back, have the prosecution come close to satisfying you (of Harris guilt)?

“You may conclude they have fallen a long way short of that.”

Mr Ray acknowledged the entertainer was “clearly far from perfect” given he had admitted having two extramarital affairs, but he said this did not make him guilty of the indecent assault charges.

“He has been punished for his infidelity by, effectively, public humiliation,” Mr Ray said.

Sonia Woodley QC had been due to deliver the closing speech last week but was taken suddenly ill. She was replaced by junior barrister Simon Ray, who has been at her side throughout the trial.

Mr Justice Sweeney will deliver his own summing up address on Tuesday. The jury will then likely retire to consider its verdict.

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