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Rio Olympic village in crisis

Problems include blocked toilets, leaking pipes, exposed wiring, darkened stairwells.
Rio Olympic village in crisis

Rio is under fire with reports the Olympic village is unfit for people to stay.

Water leaks, unlit stairwells and blocked toilets are just the beginning of it, Australia’s team management have said.

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Monday’s first arrivals, which includes boxer Shelley Watts as well as 20 staff members, will now be staying in hotels due to major safety issues in the athletes village including sewage flowing into showers.

The Olympic village, which is located in the Barra de Tijuca district in the west of Rio de Janerio, is meant to house more than 18, 000 athletes and coaching staff over the course of the games.

“Problems include blocked toilets, leaking pipes, exposed wiring, darkened stairwells where no lighting has been installed and dirty floors in need of a massive clean,” the head of the Australian team, Kitty Chiller, said in a statement.

“Water came down walls, there was a strong smell of gas in some apartments and there was ‘shorting’ in the electrical wiring.”

Other countries including Britain and USA have also acknowledged there are problems.

In a statement, the International Olympic Committee said athletes with unfinished rooms would “be placed in the best available accommodation in other buildings”. It said fixing the problems “will take another few days”.


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