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Richard Branson pleads for mercy for Bali Nine’s Myuran Sukumaran and Andrew Chan

Richard Branson's plea for the lives of Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran.
Richard Branson

The Virgin Airlines founder and commissioner of the Global Commission on Drug Policy, posted a plea on the Virgin website, asking for Indonesian President Joko Widodo to spare the lives of Sukumaran and Chan, as well as the other prisoners on death row with drug related charges.

In the letter, Branson makes a passionate appeal for clemency on behalf the two inmates. He also went on to condemn the death penalty as “inhumane form of punishment that has been proven time and again to fail as a deterrent of crime”.

“Countries that still carry out executions for drug offences have not seen any significant shifts in supply and demand. The drug trade remains remarkably unaffected by the threat of capital punishment,” It goes on to say.

“We have learnt that treating drugs as a health issue and not as a criminal one, helps lower the number of drug deaths, limits the spread of infectious diseases like HIV/AIDS or hepatitis, reduces drug-related crime and allows people who struggle with addiction to become useful members of society again”.

In what could be the final week before the execution, Branson has said he is prepared to “get on a plane tomorrow” to meet with Indonesia’s administration to negotiate further.

There is still hope for Myuran and Andrew. Visit the MercyCampaign if you want to show your support.

But whilst Branson maintained that he and the other commissioners had the “highest respect” for the Indonesian government and President Joko Widodo, Australia’s repeated pleas for mercy have been received poorly. Indonesian Minister, Tedjo Edhy Purdijatno, has warned that if Australia does not cease, Indonesia will release 10,000 asylum seekers to Australia.

In an interview to Metro TV, Mr Purdijatno cautioned, “If Canberra keeps doing things that displease Indonesia, Jakarta will surely let the illegal immigrants go to Australia.”

Branson’s letter also includes a link to a petition to abolish executions in Indonesia for drug related offenses.

If you want to plead for clemency from the Indonesian government for Myuran and Andrew you can visit the MercyCampaign.  

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