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Rescue dog has face lift to save his life

Faith in humanity: restored.

A seven-month-old Shar-Pei puppy that was found wandering the streets has had an emergency face lift to save his life.

Benny the Shar-Pei was turned into Margaret Green Animal Rescue three weeks ago when he was found wandering around without an owner, and as soon as the staff at the rescue saw him, they knew something was wrong.

Benny, who, as a Shar-Pei, is prone to large and floppy skin folds, was suffering from blindness and deafness as his skin folds slowly began covering his eyes and ears.

“When Benny was brought to us by the dog warden we had no way of knowing just how much he was suffering with various health conditions,” said Hannah Dunn, a welfare worker at the rescue, “Benny’s problems meant that he was almost blind and his quality of life would be seriously compromised.”

Although common to his breed, Benny’s folds were overlarge and the staff immediately realised that without emergency intervention, Benny’s eyesight and hearing would be compromised forever.

So, they launched into action.

Starting a campaign to fund his operations, the animal rescue prepared Benny for the operation that would save his life: a facelift. And no, not the cosmetic type.

After donations came flooding in from kind strangers and animal-lovers alike, Benny underwent his first surgery to remove the dangerous folds around his face.

Luckily enough for the happy pooch, the operation was a complete success, as the surgeons were able to remove the excess skin that was causing Benny so much trouble.

Images via The Mirror.

But although Benny’s first operation went well, he still has a bit more to go before he’s out of the woods. Due to his floppy ears and skin folds, Benny also has to undergo an operation to open his narrowing ear canals so he can hear, and after that, another operation to correct his “double entropion” which is affecting his eyes.

“Benny is an extremely friendly and cuddly dog but it is so difficult for us to watch him suffer,” said a vet at the clinic, “No puppy deserves to feel as poorly as Benny, or to lose almost all their sight and hearing, and we were in a race against time to raise the funds for his operation.”

But, despite his various conditions and recent operations, Benny is still a very happy and lively pup, who has been given a new lease on life.

Best of luck, Benny!

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