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Man takes dying dog on trip of a lifetime

After being diagnosed with multiple health issues, Poh the Dog's parents decided to take him on the road trip of a lifetime.

They say a dog is a man’s best friend – and in the case of Thomas and his Labrador, Poh, we think that might be right.

When Thomas, a DJ from New York, discovered that his best friend of 15 years had only a few weeks to live, he did what any best friend would do – he took him on an adventure.

“It was a great trip. I got to spend seven weeks with Poh. At first, I did not think he’d make it two weeks, but he did,” said owner, Thomas, “I’m unsure of how long [he will live]. Doctors are unsure. My assumption is that I don’t have very long with him and that’s what prompted the trips.”

Starting in New York, Thomas and his Labrador managed to fit in 35 cities, including Los Angeles, Baltimore, Washington DC, San Fran Cisco, and Jersey Shore, where Poh was able to dip his paws in the Pacific Ocean for the first time.

“When I am just home with no adventure to have I barely want to walk five feet from my front door,” wrote ‘Poh’ on his Instagram account, “But with the ocean breeze hitting my face and the sand at my paws, I feel like I’m rocky Balboa climbing all those stairs at top speed.”

“I know, I’m moving slow. Unfortunately my body doesn’t work the way it did when I was a young puppy. But my heart still does.”

Poh is still living at home with ‘Dad’, Thomas, and as of yet, waiting for his next adventure.

Baltimore: “Just got to Baltimore. I’m about to gets some crabcakes and play some bmore.”

Oklahoma: “I made a friend today The Buffalo, states animal of Oklahoma”

Texas: “#pohthedog adventure rolls on. We made it to the Cadillac Ranch in Amarillo Texas.”

Sedona: “I got tired from hiking… So my dad carried me home. #pohthedogsbigadventure is filled with love.”

Sedona: “#pohthedog is on the path of enlightenment . This trip to Sedona has been great for my spirit . My parents even gave me one of them fancy shmancy crystals that’s supposed to help with my vibrations.”

San Diego: “This is the first time I’m feeling sand between my paws… This is the first time I’m seeing the Pacific Ocean. Can’t wait to see what it feels like 🙂 #pohthedogsbigadventure. I made it everyone 🙂 thank you for your prayers and good thoughts… Now to take a dip…”

Santa Monica: “Party time. Let me show you how to photo bomb. #pohthedog at the Santa Monica pier. #pohthedogsbigadventure”

San Francisco: “#family #roadtrip portrait time! So cool seeing the Golden Gate Bridge from up here! I can’t wait to try out the beaches when I come back this weekend!”

Seattle: “So cool Seattle space needle! I wonder if they’ll let me go to the top so I can enjoy the view and have some Starbucks.”

“Sometimes the trip isn’t so fun. Every morning my dad has to give me these IV fluids because my kidneys aren’t working so great anymore. It hurts a bit in beginning but helps me keep my strength up for #pohthedogsbigadventure.”

Santa Cruz: “Santa Cruz boardwalk. The didn’t let me in though. Dang dog rules.”

“I’ve become super spoiled. @goumada has to spoon feed me… literally. My stomach gets so sensitive I have to eat the same thing. No extra t-bones or doggie biscuits or I get what my dad calls the green apple splatters. With me getting older and my stomach so sensitive I don’t have much of an appetite 🙁 so my mom and dad have to make me eat. Sometimes we have to pull over just so I can eat, like this time when we stopped in the Redwood forest up in Santa Cruz. My parents have to be super patient, and thankfully they are… #pohthedogsbigadventure”

Hollywood: “Mr Director… I’m ready for my close-up! My parents said that I’m so important to them that I deserve my own star on the Hollywood Walk a Fame.”

Austin: “This is my postcard shot. Greetings from Austin!”

New Orleans: “Hitting bourbon street! I hope I remember everything in the morning!!”

Washington, DC: “My dad says this is a really important building, but I’m more mesmerized by all that green grass… If I could only get on the other side of this fence so I can roll around in it… “

“One of my favorite milestones from #pohthedogsbigadventure with @djneilarmstrong and @goumada. Getting to the end of Route 66, signifying that we made it all the across the country. This was already almost 2 months ago… And the trip we took started 10 weeks ago now. When my parents found out I was sick, it seemed like my ailments meant that I could go at any moment. But instead of just waiting at home, they brought me on this great adventure, and I think it brought me even more life, lifted up my spirits even more, so my body had no choice but to follow. We all have to live life to the fullest! Thank u mom and dad for not giving up.”

“Thank u everyone for following my story 🙂 it means the world to me and my parents @goumada and @djneilarmstrong. Just FYI, I am still here on this earth, living my life to the fullest with my dad! Some people have misread the articles recently written about me and think I have passed on 🙂 I am happy that I can continue #pohthedogsbigadventure. I rather have new adventures where I can make memories that my dad can carry with him forever, then just sitting home and waiting for the inevitable. Don’t worry everyone, when I’m tired my dad puts me in my cart, so when I get tired I can just rest up.”

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