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Breaking: white powder found on Perth teen in Bali likely to be ‘paracetamol’

Police sources reportedly also confirmed that blood and urine tests on Jamie Murphy have tested negative for drugs.
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Police Sources have reportedly told News Corporation the white powder allegedly found in Jamie Murphy’s bumbag in Bali is NOT drugs and is “most likely paracetamol”.

Kuta police chief, Wayan Sumara, said he had yet to receive an official report from the police forensics laboratory but News Corporation say they’ve been told his blood and urine tests have come back negative too.

It comes amidst claims the 18-year-old was ‘set up’ and the powder had nothing to do with him.

Murphy’s parents, from Perth, have arrived in Bali to support their son.

More as we get it.

Original story:

An 18-year-old boy from Perth has spent his first night in a Kuta jail cell after being caught in possession of a ‘white powder’.

Jamie Murphy had been enjoying a holiday in Bali when he routinely searched by nightclub security guards who found the small bag in his bumbag.

He was dramatically seized by police and taken into custody, a video showing a distressed Murphy protesting his innocence.

Jamie (left) posted this picture the day of his arrest.

The police will test the suspected drugs, which they believe to be cocaine, and take blood and urine samples from Murphy.

Under Indonesian criminal law, police have two day to name him as a suspect which means he’ll face trial.

If the tests come back positive, he’ll almost certainly face jail time, some outlets reporting this could be as much as 12 years with a $800,000 fine.

The police head of Criminal Investigation in Kuta, Ario Seno Wimoko, said Mr Murphy, 18, was still considered “under investigation”.

“He said he bought the substance from somebody and we need to investigate who this person is but for that we need to wait until he is named as a suspect.”

His parents are expected to arrive in Bali today.

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