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People, not numbers: The faces of MH370

Devoted Aussie grandparents on holidays with friends, teenage sweethearts starting school in Beijing, a couple with a baby waiting at home – they were all onboard the mysterious flight MH370 which disappeared without a trace 10 days ago.

Devoted Aussie grandparents on holidays with friends, teenage sweethearts starting school in Beijing, a couple with a baby waiting at home – they were all onboard the mysterious flight MH370 which disappeared without a trace 10 days ago.

In the feverish speculation about what happened to the plane, it’s been too easy to forget that the 239 souls who vanished with it are real people, with friends, families, hopes and dreams, just like any of us.

Here, we put some faces to the names of some of those missing people in an effort to remind everyone that they are somebody’s mother, father, son, daughter, husband, wife or best friend and not just another set of tragic statistics.

Australian grandparents Catherine and Robert Lawton.

Aussie couple Rodney and Mary Burrows were travelling with their friends the Lawtons.

Paul Weeks, a 39-year-old mechanical engineer from Christchurch, New Zealand, and proud father to two young boys.

Hebei native Zhao Peng, 24, was a construction worker who completed his contract and was on his way home to China to see his wife and year-old son.

Canadian passengers Muktesh Mukherjee, 42, and his wife, Xiaomo Bai, 37.

Junaidi Mohd Kassim, 37, has been a flight steward since 1997 and is the proud father of two children aged nine and 11.

Mr Mohamad Sofuan Ismail, 33, a diplomatic officer with Malaysia’s Ministry of International Trade and Industry, was supposed to have been on a different flight.

Wong Sai Sang, 52, would not have been on board if not for an earlier missed flight.

IBM employee Philip Wood, 50, was the only American adult on board MH370.

Firman Chandra Siregar who had just got his dream job with a major oil company.

Malaysian couple Norliakmar Hamid, 33, and Razahan Zamani, 24, were on their way to Beijing for a holiday to celebrate their two-year wedding anniversary.

Madam An Wenlan, 65, one of a group of 24 Chinese artists who had been in Kuala Lumpur to attend an art exhibition.

26-year-old Yue Wenchao who was flying to Beijing to meet his beloved girlfriend.

Three-year-old Hu Siwan and her parents were on the flight.

It was possibly the first overseas trip for Wang Moheng, who is just shy of his second birthday.

Flight attendant Wan Swaid Bin Wan Ismail with his family.

Flight attendant Foong Wai Yueng.

19-year-old Tony Tan Wei Chew (left) of Malaysia.

French teenage lovers Hadrien Wattrelos, 17, and Zhao Yan, 18, were heading for school in Beijing.

Penang-born engineer Guan Huajin, 34, who was on her way to Beijing on a business trip.

Andrew Nari, the flight’s chief steward.

Suhaili Mustafa from Shah Alam, Malaysia.

Sugianto Lo from Meden Indonesia.

Flight attendant Ng Yar Chien.

Swanand Kolekar from India.

Tan Teik Hin of Malaysia.

Chen Wei and Tan Sioh Peng.

Chew Kar Mooi

Ferry Indra Suadaya

Herry Indra Suadaya

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