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Bookshelves will bend under the weight of Gillard government memoirs

Bookshelves will bend under the weight of Gillard government memoirs

What do Wayne Swan and Greg Combet have in common with Rob Oakeshott and Tony Windsor? Yes, they all played prominent roles in the Gillard minority Labor government and announced their various departures following Julia Gillard’s knifing last year. But like the former Prime Minister herself, each of these men are penning their own accounts […]
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“Take my brother first”: father campaigns to have 13-year-old son’s bravery recognised

“Take my brother first”: father campaigns to have 13-year-old son’s bravery recognised

It was those words, and 13-year-old Jordan’s determined self-sacrifice, that saved his younger brother Blake’s life. Now, his father John Tyson is campaigning to make sure that both Jordan’s memory and bravery are formally recognised with the posthumous award of Australia’s highest civilian honour, the Cross of Valour. “Jordan couldn’t swim,” John wrote on website […]
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‘Jess Marais is helping reduce the stigma’

‘Jess Marais is helping reduce the stigma’

But like so many others, Richelle was battling mental illness – and tragically after years of depression, she took her own life on March 9. The Weekly‘s story on Jessica Marais and her battle with bipolar, was all too familiar for Richelle’s younger sister, Hayley, 24, who says there are striking similarities between the actress […]
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Pings not from MH370, US Navy says

Pings not from MH370, US Navy says

Michael Dean, the US Navy’s director of ocean engineering, told CNN overnight that the acoustic noises which prompted a narrowing of the broad search patterns to a smaller, specific area of the southern Indian Ocean in early April instead came from “man-made sources”, most likely either the device used to locate the sounds or the […]
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Leave the pig alone!

Leave the pig alone!

Speaking at a Senate Estimates hearing on Wednesday, ABC managing director Mark Scott suggested popular children’s programming like Peppa Pig could be among cuts to the national broadcaster’s slate under proposed cuts in the Federal budget. But The Weekly asks whether it is fair to drag an unsuspecting cartoon heroine into an argument about funding […]
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Trolls won’t stop me: Author Tara Moss threatened on Twitter after Q&A

Trolls won’t stop me: Author Tara Moss threatened on Twitter after Q&A

The author of 10 books and former model spoke on the ABC program about the “toxic ­silence” surrounding sexual abuse. “We need to get a lot better at talking about it and one of the reasons is because the silence protects the predators,” Moss said. “It also shames the victims. It also robs us as […]
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Who is Roger Rogerson?

Who is Roger Rogerson?

Roger Caleb Rogerson is about as famous – and infamous – a police officer to ever flash a badge. In the publicity blurb from his autobiography, The Dark Side, Rogerson wrote: “All that people know about me is that I’m a corrupt cop, shot three men [in the line of duty]  and was a mate […]
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Phone-hacking: Kate deserved privacy

Phone-hacking: Kate deserved privacy

In his closing arguments Goodman’s lawyer, David Spens QC, said his client had made “shameful” admissions of phone hacking the Duchess 155 times – including Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and Boxing Day in 2005 – and he was not proud of what he had done. “I am not inviting any sympathy for Mr Goodman. Any […]
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Rolf Harris admits being ‘touchy-feely’

Rolf Harris admits being ‘touchy-feely’

Giving evidence at his trial on 12 counts of indecent assault against four girls and young women between 1968 and 1986 in London’s Southwark Central Court, Harris, now 84, said yesterday that the relationship with girl was consensual and lasted more than a decade but only began when she was an 18-year-old woman. His accuser, […]
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Deceased woman’s super-chic closet up for auction

Deceased woman’s super-chic closet up for auction

The sale of the deceased woman’s chic estate – made up of lavish coats, furs and frocks – at Lawson’s auction house in Sydney is causing a stir among vintage bargain hunters but a veil of mystery is shrouding the clothing’s original owner. Shauna Farren Price is the Lawsons auctioneer handling the sale which has […]
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