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NSW baby dies after doctors refused to listen to mother’s intuition

The parents of a six-month-old who died are fighting to introduce a law that validates a parent’s intuition with medical professionals.
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A mother’s intuition is everything, but tragically, it didn’t help in saving her six-month-old baby boy’s life.

Naomi and Grant Day urged doctors to do further tests on their sick son Kyran but he sadly died in October 2013 due to lack of oxygen flow to the brain, as a result of an obstructed bowel.

The parents told Seven News that they’ve pledged to introduce a law to ensure a parent’s intuition for their child is taken seriously by medical professionals.

A similar law is in place in Queensland, called Ryan’s rule.

Kyran was diagnosed with gastroenteritis after being taken to Shoalhaven Hospital in October 2013, but Mr and Mrs Day knew there was something more going on.

Naomi and Grant Day

Despite rejected pleas to doctors for further tests to be done, little Kyran’s health rapidly deteriorated over the next 30 hours.

When doctors finally realised he had an obstructed bowel, he was rushed to Sydney Children’s Hospital.

Mr Day said: “He died from the mismanagement and the mistreatment, the treatment that didn’t happen.”

“The deterioration from the night before was horrific. I told my Mum… he’s severely dehydrated, he’s pale, they’re not doing anything.”

The doctor involved in Kyran’s case told Seven News that he apologised to the family and is waiting for the coroners report.

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