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Students angered by porn ban at a Melbourne college

“It is condescending and paternalistic.”

1.Students at one of the University of Melbourne’s colleges have been banned from accessing pornography, and they’re not happy about it.

Ormond College defended banning adult sites on their wifi network in a student newsletter, saying it “presents women primarily as sex objects who are a means to the end of male pleasure”.

Some students are outraged by the move, with Thibaut Clamart telling The Sunday Age many feel they are losing their freedom of expression and banning access to adult sites “is condescending and paternalistic”.

“If their argument is that it’s about respecting women and enabling young people to discover their sexuality without having the repressive influence of porn, that makes the assumption that looking at porn is going to perpetuate those attitudes and you’re going to behave like a porn actor,” Clamart told The Age.

Ormond college students pay $200 a semester for wifi access.

2.Port Arthur killer Martin Bryant has been exposed as an obese and balding loner who trades in chocolate bars and has attacked jail workers.

Nineteen years after Australia’s worst massacre, the now 48-year-old bears little resemblance to the lanky man with long blonde hair who murdered 35 people and injured 23 others in a sleepy tourist enclave of Tasmania.

In a News Corp investigation published at the weekend, journalist Sarah Blake revealed an unprecedented portrait of Bryant’s existence as he continues to serve 35 life sentences behind bars.

It was revealed some jailers have dubbed him “Porky Pig” with his weight ballooning up to 160kg, others have told of him being “almost a vegetable” as he stays in his cell in a drugged stupor and some described him as a violent and unpredictable predator.

Other inmates at Risdon Prison in Hobart treat him with contempt and take advantage of him, according to a former corrective services worker.

Bryant is segregated from the general prison population, where he “wouldn’t stand a chance” as he’d be a target because of his abhorrent crimes, which included killing women and children.

It was also reported Bryant had attempted suicide several times and had required hospital treatment for other health issues.

“A lot of us were here on the day of the massacre and we lost people we loved,” a nurse told News Corp.

“Having to look after him [in hospital] is awful.”

3.Malcolm Turnbull is reportedly refusing to rule out challenging Tony Abbott for the prime ministership as speculation grows that a leadership spill is impending.

Backroom discussions are understood to be taking place, with some saying Mr Abbott doesn’t have enough public support to win the next election while others accuse the communications minister of “panicking” that he was running out of time to try and take over the leadership.

Liberal sources reportedly told the Herald Sun newspaper that Mr Turnbull was refusing to confirm he would not challenge the Prime Minister.

Meanwhile, Social Services Minister Scott Morrison, who has also been touted as a future leader, has ruled out challenging Mr Abbott.

Spot the kangaroo.

4.A kangaroo that defied all odds to survive for nine days with an arrow through its head has died after undergoing emergency surgery.

Known to locals as “Spot”, the eastern grey kangaroo was shot in the front of his skull with an arrow by an archer north-west of Melbourne.

Despite having the arrow protruding awkwardly from his head, he repeatedly evaded rescuers until last Wednesday night, when he went for surgery.

Although he received round the clock care, Spot died on Saturday morning. His rescuers said stress rather than physical injury was the main cause of his deterioration and death.

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