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Judge bans woman from breastfeeding baby because she has a tattoo

1. A judge has banned a mother from breastfeeding, ruling it potentially harmful for her 11-month-old baby after she got a tattoo one month earlier.

After a parenting dispute where the child’s father voiced concerns, the matter has ended up in court.

Federal Circuit Court Judge Matthew Myers has today granted an injunction to stop the woman from breastfeeding.

Despite the mother taking part in tests to conclude she did not have HIV or hepatitis – which came back negative according to the ABC – Judge Myers claimed the tests were not conclusive and the child was still susceptible to harmful risk.

The mother has disputed the ruling, with the Family Court agreeing to hear the appeal on Friday in Sydney.

2. The world’s oldest known person – 116-year-old Jeralean Talley – has died at her Inkster home.

Talley, who turned 118 on May 23, was born in 1899 – outliving the life expectancy of Australians by 32 years.

Talley’s daughter, Thelma Holloway, said her motto was treat people how you want to be treated.

“Just remember her as being a very beautiful, forgiving person,” Ms Holloway said in report by Detroit Free Press.

“She went away peacefully,” Holloway said.

Talley is survived by her daughter as well three generations of grandchildren.

She was a deeply religious person, whenever she was asked her secret to living so long and her answer was simple: The Lord, she would say, “There’s nothing I can do about it.”

Local media in the US report Talley was a keen gardener and bowled until she was 104.

Susannah Mushatt Jones, who was born July 6, 1899, and lives in New York, now takes the top spot as oldest living person.

2. She said she wanted half?

A video of a German man slowly and carefully halving everything from his relationship is circulating the internet.

The video posted to Reddit shows the man using power tools to evenly split everything shared with his ex after they separated.

Titled “Thank you for 12 beautiful years, Laura”, the video shows his chopping a chair, an iPhone, a TV and even their car.

Watch the video on YouTube by clicking here.

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3. Man arrested for allegedly killing nine people in a Bible-study group in US.

Police have arrested alleged gunman Dylann Roof who is believed to have killed nine people at a church study group in the US yesterday.

The racially charged crime saw Roof shoot dead the victims at an African-American church in South Carolina.

It is understood he went to the church and sat with parishioners at the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church for an hour before opening fire.

The victims, six women and three men, included Reverend Clementa Pinckney, who was the church’s 41-year-old pastor and a Democratic member of the state Senate.

4. Your garden is too gay.

A woman has received a complaint from her neighbours over how she decorated her garden.

The Mirror UK reports Julie Baker, from Maryland, received a letter from neighbours who claim her garden (complete with rainbow jars) is “relentlessly gay.”

“Myself and others in the neighbourhood ask that you tone it down,” reads the letter.

Baker’s response? She’s promised to make her garden even more ‘gay’.

Meanwhile, back home in Australia Reverend Fred Nile has come under fire after appearing on a special Q&A last night hosted by comedian Tom Ballard.

Towards the end of the episode, Nile tried to claim many heterosexuals had been made to feel persecuted by homosexuals.

We’re pretty sure for the majority, it’s the other way around.

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