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College student and beauty queen jailed for faking cancer

Police began investigating Ms Weaver-Gates' cancer claims and found no evidence that she had ever been treated by any medical facility for the illness.

1.Hot on the heels of the deception by wellness blogger Belle Gibson comes another cancer scam, with a new faker sentenced to prison for taking money from supporters.

The New York Post this morning reports on a Pennsylvania college student who was jailed after faking leukaemia to benefit from fundraisers.

The report says 23-year-old Brandi Lee Weaver-Gates was charged with theft by deception and receiving stolen property.

Police say she hosted a bingo benefit in April that raised $14,000 for the Miss Pennsylvania U.S. International pageant winner.

The Post says Brandi “would have relatives, including her own sister, drive her to leading cancer hospitals for treatments and have them wait for her in the lobby for up to eight hours while she hid elsewhere”.

She also repeatedly shaved her head to make it appear as if she had undergone chemotherapy.

“After receiving an anonymous tip earlier this year, police began investigating Ms Weaver-Gates’ cancer claims and found no evidence that she had ever been treated by any medical facility for the illness,” the report says.

Neil Prakash has sent the list to his followers, urging attacks.

2.Terrorist group ISIS has drawn up a chilling “hit list” of Australians it wants to kill and at least one Australian politician is on it.

News Limited reports that defence officials and public servants have also been named.

“Their personal details including phone numbers and emails have been shared on social media,” the report says, with the details apparently having come from “hacked American government and military computers.”

News Ltd says that one of Australia’s top IS supporters sent the list to 1100 followers last week, urging them to attack.

One post he shared said: “Kill them where you find them and enslave their women.”

The Australian Federal Police is investigating.

Kelly Rose Bradford.

3.Should babies be banned from planes?

That’s the question doing the rounds of social media today, after a British journalist, Kelly Rose Bradford, said that parents who travel with young infants are “selfish”.

“Is it really necessary to take a tiny baby on a long flight?” she asked.

“I think there’s an element of selfishness from parents who insist on not changing their lifestyle once they have their children because there are some things that just aren’t practical.”

Bradford suggested that airlines establish “child-free” flights or maybe have separate seating areas for families with kids.

“We’ve got business class, we’ve got first class, why can’t we have a family section?” she told This Morning.

“Surely that would be better for everybody? You’ve got miserable, moany people like me who do not want your delightful children wailing in my ear for my flight.”

Her comments sparked the hashtag, #childfreeflights.

4.Has the ancient tomb of Nefertiti been found?

Nicholas Reeves, a British archaeologist at the University of Arizona believes he has found her resting place hidden in plain sight – in the tomb of Tutankhamun.

Reeves has been examining high resolution images of the tomb, and says he has spotted cracks in the walls that could indicate two previously unrecognized “ghost” doorways lay behind.

“The implications are extraordinary, for, if digital appearance translates into physical reality, it seems we are now faced not merely with the prospect of a new, Tutankhamun-era storeroom to the west; to the north (there) appears to be signaled a continuation of tomb KV 62 (Tutankhamun’s tomb), and within these uncharted depths an earlier royal interment — that of Nefertiti herself,” he told CNN.

The boy king’s final resting place was uncovered by Howard Carter in 1922 and remains the most intact tomb ever unearthed.

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