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BALI Nine ringleader Andrew Chan has married his fiancee on the eve of his execution.

Andrew, who is expected to die shortly after midnight tonight, requested special permission to get married before he faces the firing squad.

News Corp reports that his new wife Febyanti Herewila (known as Febi) accepted his proposal after hearing that he would be executed, and the couple were married in a prison ceremony on the island where he is being held with other doomed inmates.

Indonesia’s Attorney-General HM Prasetyo told the Indonesian website Detik.com that he thought Andrew’s request was a joke at first, ‘but actually it is serious. He wants to get married’ so he approved the ceremony.

In other news you may have missed…

THE fate of the Bali Nine has made barely a ripple in the US but the planned execution of the lone woman on death row in Indonesia is attracting enormous attention.

Mary Jane Fiesta Veloso, 30, has two young children, aged just six and 12, and their agonizing video plea for clemency has gone viral.

Mary Jane’s supporters believe she is a victim of human trafficking. She is one of millions of Filipino guest workers who leave their villages to try to find employment in richer nations, and says she was tricked by a drug syndicate into acting as a drug mule.

A famous Indonesian chef Rahung Nasution has taken up her case, Tweeting: “(Indonesian leader) Jokowi is not battling drugs. He is executing poor women.”

HOW does Elle Macpherson look so good? Apparently it’s not regular consumption of the old-time diet drink, TAB, but urine.

No, she doesn’t drink it. That would be crazy. She tests it. Every day. Several times a day, in fact.

Her secret came to light after Elle took part in one of those magazine Q&A’s for the London Evening Standard and one question was: ‘Most surprising thing in your handbag?

To which Elle replied: “A pH balance urine tester kit to check that I’m in an alkaline state. I believe that most ailments come from having an acidic body.”

Okay! Elle was also asked about the first thing she does when she returns to London from her new home in Miami, to which she replied that she – first thing! – get lymphatic drainage on Harley Street. Don’t we all?

As for her first London memory, it was cheeky: ‘Going to an INXS concert with Kylie Minogue.’ And why would that have been? Well, you know the answer.

FOSSIL hunters in Chile have found a new type of Jurassic dinosaur that grew to the size of a small horse, ran in packs, and was vegetarian.

The Guardian reports that the Chilesaurus (great name) had a flat head with a beak, and a long slender neck, and stumpy fingers instead of claws.

EVER wished to just look down one day, and kick a big diamond? That you could then keep?

It happened to Susie Clark in Arkansas on the weekend.

USA Today reports Susie went along to the Crater of Diamonds State Park hoping for a little luck, and soon found a teardrop-shaped diamond weighing in at just under four carats.

The diamond is the largest of 122 found at the park this year, but it’s only one-tenth the size of the largest diamond found there, which was a whopping 40 carats. The park is essentially a searchable field, open to the public. Those who find a diamond are free to keep it, or sell it, or polish it up and wear it.

SELFIE, barbie, sunnies, wheelie-bin: is there no end to the contribution Australia can make to world English?

The BBC reports that the Oxford dictionary says it will add around 200 ‘Australian English’ words to its data base this year.

Only some, such as ‘barbie’ for barbecue, ‘sunnies’ for sunglasses and ‘selfie’ for self-portrait on your iPhone, are used around the world.

Besides the ‘ie’ words (which also include ‘pollie’) the dictionary will ad ‘o’ words, such as ‘rello’ for relative and ‘ambo’ for ambulance.

‘Off the grog’, ‘sarvo’ (this arfternoon) and ‘scratchie’ made the cut.

They’re also put in ‘petrol head’ – there’s just no word like it – and rust bucket, for old car.

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