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New York blast attack was ‘act of terrorism’

New York City has been rocked by an explosion which has injured dozens and a second device has been found nearby.

New York City has been rocked by an explosion which has injured dozens and a second device has been found nearby and removed.

Twenty-nine people were hurt after a dumpster blew up in the city’s Chelsea neighbourhood on Saturday night.

On Sunday, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo called the incident “an act of terrorism”, but said there was “no evidence” of international terrorism.

Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull is in New York and addressed the attacks by calling on people to defy terrorists and go about their lives.

“We don’t know what the motivations were,” Mr Turnbull told reporters in Central Park.

“But it was clearly a deliberate explosion.”

“The one thing we can’t do is let people who seek to do us harm, whatever their motivations may be, to coward us. We defy them by going about our lives in the normal way.”

Meanwhile another attack took place in the US on Saturday night with a man stabbing people with a knife in a Minnesota mall. After attacking nine people the alleged assailant was shot dead by an off-duty police officer.

An ISIS linked news agency now claims the man carrying out the rampage was a “soldier of the Islamic state”. But local police are sceptical to confirm that the man was anything other than a “lone attacker”.

“We still don’t have anything substantive that would suggest anything more than what we know already, which is this was a lone attacker,” St. Cloud Police Chief William Blair Anderson told CNN’s Jake Tapper Sunday. “And right now, we’re trying to get to the bottom of his motivations.”

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