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Neighbours sue over sound of children playing

SOME people say there’s nothing worse than a crying baby on a plane but what about laughing kids on the swingset next door?

Two neighbours in the small town of Plano, Texas, are suing each other after one family set up a swing set too close to the fence, prompting the neighbours to counter the noise with super-loud rap music.

The Dallas News reports on the lawsuit saying the Count family decided to sue after their neighbours complained to the council about the way their kids shrieked on the swings and slides in their garden.

Kelly Count says the noise amounts to no more than the ordinary sound of play.

She says rather than speak to her about it, the neighbours, the Wards, started playing loud rap music, laced with profanities and gunshots, through their open windows.

“For a while, I’d bring the kids inside and it would stop, and when we went out it would start again,” she said. “I knocked on the door and said, ‘Mrs. Ward, my kids are trying to play in the side yard and there’s some music playing with very vulgar language.’”

The Counts called the police, with Kelly sayings: “The officer who came knocked on the door and said, ‘I know what the problem is — I parked three doors down and I could hear it from there.’ Finally, we decided to sue.”

This being America, it didn’t stop there: the Wards have now counter-sued about the “loud and obnoxious noise” from the play equipment. The courts will have to sort it out in February.

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