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Mother who used marijuana tea to treat morning sickness has baby removed from care

A mother from the US has had her baby removed from her care after she used medical marijuana during her pregnancy.

A woman who says she sipped marijuana tea during her pregnancy to treat acute morning sickness has had her baby removed from her care.

Fox8 reports on the case of Hollie Sanford, who says she suffered from the same extreme, debilitating morning sickness that plagued Kate Middleton during her two pregnancies.

Hollie said doctors ‘wanted to prescribe opiates for the pain but she was worried about becoming addicted and worried about the impact on her fetus’ so she and her husband decided on the ‘pot tea’ as a safer, more natural option.

“We did the research and THC, the psychoactive element, doesn’t reach the baby,” said Hollie, “So it’s not like the baby is stoned like people might think.”

Baby Nova was born healthy but when staff at the hospital tested the first meconium stool in her nappy, it tested positive.

Hollie says a welfare worker came to the hospital and said: “You guys can leave, but you cannot take your daughter”.

Baby Nova was placed in the care of a family member, and while Nova’s parents immediately hired an attorney who applied for an emergency custody hearing, a backlog of cases means it won’t be heard before December.

Hollie says even the case worker believed ‘it would be more harmful than good to take the infant away from her parents’.

In the meantime, Hollie and Daniel said they are visiting Nova every day, ‘trying to build and maintain a nurturing parental bond’.

“It’s very hard. We’re just trying to be optimistic and count our blessings; that’s what keeps us going,” said Hollie, “I do not have a dependency issue. I am not addicted to marijuana as has been clearly shown with my clean drug tests.”

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