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Brekky Wrap: What we’re talking about today

From politics to music moguls, here's what's making news today.
Getty Images: Madonna and Deadmou5

SOME of the biggest names in the music world – Jay-Z, Beyonce, Kanye, Rhianna, Madonna and Usher – have come together to launch a new music streaming service.

The new service, called Tidal will take on Spotify, Apple, Pandora and the rest. Tidal was launched in 2014, but now Jay-Z owns it.

The aim is worthy: artists ought to be better paid for their work.

Those at the launch don’t exactly seem short of a dollar. Gawker put the combined worth of Jay-Z, Beyonce and Madonna alone at $2 billion,but the principle is a good one: all artists, especially up-and-comers, should be paid.

Jay-Z, whose Twitter handle describes him as ‘Genius’, somewhat ironically sent out a Tweet to 3 million potentially customers, saying of the service: ‘The tides they are a’changin’. Though we didn’t see Taylor Swift among the line up.

INDEPENDENT Senator Jacqui Lambie has already found several candidates ready to run for office as members of her new political party.

Senator Lambie’s party, called JNL, vehemently opposes Sharia law in Australia and a halving of the foreign aid budget.

Senator Lambie, a single Mum with a licence to drive an army tank, who was the subject of a lengthy profile in The Weekly in December, has told media her party would allow the average person to ‘have a go’ at politics.

A MELBOURNE woman is assisting police after a four-year-old boy and a 60-year-old woman were found stabbed to death at a house in Albanvale.

Police said a 61-year-old man was found gagged and bound inside the lounge room of the home, which prompted a search for the young boy.

Sadly, when they searched the home they found the child deceased.

The woman, 45 from Albion is in custody and is assisting police with their inquiries.

“At this stage, we believe the 45-year-old Chinese woman is associated with the 61-year-old Vietnamese man,” Senior Sergeant Bailey told media.

“They’ve known each other for three years and the nature of their relationship is currently unknown.”

PARENTS across the US are reeling after reports that a respected babysitter has been arrested and charged with the sexual abuse of children in her care.

Ashley Duck, 29, a former High School tennis champion who also works as a geologist at a large oil company, sent a series of texts to her boyfriend, saying she would offer to mind children to she could abuse them for his gratification.

In one series of horrifying texts, she describes seeing a four year old blonde girl with ponytail dancing at a neighbourhood party, and offers to abuse the child and film the abuse so the boyfriend can see it. He agrees.

Authorities in Harris County, Texas, say they have evidence of abuse by the pair of children as young as 11 months.

WHAT is the difference between Justin Bieber and North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Un?

Answer? Nothing. They both use his music to torture people.

The Comedy Central’s long-awaited, much-anticipated, delicious Roast of Justin Bieber aired in the US last night, and that was just one of the jokes.

Over 60 excruciating minutes, the roasters, including domestic goddess Martha Stewart and ex-basketballer Shaq, tackled Justin’s babyface, his lovelife, and his jail time, with Justin forced to watch.

On the subject of ex-girlfriend Selena Gomez, they said:“Is it true she dumped you because she grew a mustache first?”

Also: “You’ll never end up like Kurt Cobain or Amy Winehouse – respected.”

“Damn, you guys were brutal,” Bieber said at the end of the roast but by most accounts, he handled it well.

CELEBRITY chef Jamie Oliver has hit out at soft drink and energy drink companies, saying “They don’t give a sh*t about your kids”.

Speaking at The Westin Hotel in Sydney yesterday to a crowd of more than 800, The Naked Chef and Woolworths ambassador called for the drinks to be taxed because they’re “filthy sh*t.”

“They’re empty calories, they’re no good,” the 39-year-old father-of-four said. “They’re a treat and I have them as a treat. A love a glass of Coke about six time a year… but to hydrate on it, to have it in the home, [that’s] a problem and to have it regularly [that’s] a problem,” he added.

Oliver made the trip down under to launch a global change.org petition to combat childhood obesity by introducing food education in schools.

Globally, it’s estimated about 42 million children under the age of five are overweight or obese. Oliver said it was time to act and change our behaviour to stop pre-mature deaths from illnesses like Type 2 Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease.

To support Jamie’s Food Revolution campaign and to sign the petition, visit Change.org.

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