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Baby boy abandoned in dumpster

Welfare agencies are appealing for help after a little boy was found crying and alone in a bin.
Baby found abandoned in a dumpster

AN 11-month-old child – able to sit up, roll over, and look you in the eye – has been found dumped in a big green garbage bin in Nebraska.

The boy was wearing only a nappy, and clutching an empty water bottle.

The man who found him – a farmer, who didn’t want to be named – told [Key TV](http://www.ketv.com/news/toddler-found-alive-in-metro-dumpster-wednesday/32852350 KETV) that he was cleaning out the boot of his car when he heard a whimpering sound.

“I went and looked on the inside the dumpster and I seen a little hand with an empty water bottle moving,” the man said.

The boy’s mother has been identified, but not yet found. Welfare agencies are appealing for help.

While the dumping of infants is relatively common around the world this child was almost walking.

In other news you may have missed…

ONE of the most popular people in television, presenter Tracy Grimshaw, is thankfully recovering from a horror horse riding accident.

Tracy Grimshaw: How my mum's death changed me

A Current Affair Executive Producer Grant Williams, who took over hosting duties last night, told the audience that one of Tracy’s horses, who stands 16 hands high, took off while she was riding, reports the Herald Sun.

Grant said the “cranky” horse “bolted” down the driveway, bucking Tracy, 54, all the way.

“Witnesses described it as being like a rodeo ride. He was literally trying to buck her off,” Grant said. “Down the driveway, heading straight for a parked car.”

Tracy fell, hit the driveway head first and was knocked out.

“Witnesses say she was like a rag doll when they got to her,” Grant said.

Tracy was unconscious for around 15, nerve-wracking minutes. She was taken to hospital, where she is recovering.

Thankfully she was wearing a helmet.

OH yes, it’s true.

Cadbury has made a Vegemite-flavoured chocolate block. It will be out in June, possibly earlier.

The news was at first thought to be a joke, but Cadbury has since confirmed the Vegemite Chocolate on its Twitter account.

The Vegemite flavour is part of a special launch of limited edition Dairy Milk.

Reaction has been mixed, with some followers saying: “Oh God, no” and others saying it makes a change from Salted Caramel everything.

In a video, Cadbury says the chocolate is “surprisingly delicious.” To which we say: “Why so surprising? Of course it’s delicious.”

WILD animals – including possibly tigers, pythons and brown bears – were on the loose in Oklahoma overnight – but it’s okay, they found them all.

The animals escaped from Tiger Safari zoo during a tornado.

Residents in the Tuttle area were advised to stay in their homes while all the cages were checked but soon received the okay to head out. Into the tornado? No, that too had passed.

Bali 9 prisoner Myuran Sukumaran's mother Raji Sukumaran

Dear Mr President, Leader of Indonesia and father of three children… My name is Raji Sukumaran, and my son, Myuran Sukumaran, was executed in the early hours of Wednesday 29 April 2015 under your instructions…

So begins the heart-breaking letter published by The Herald Sun from the mother of one of the Bali Nine to the Indonesian president, on the eve of Myu’s funeral.

Myu, as he was known, was shot by a firing squad for the crime of drug trafficking.

Indonesia has faced international condemnation.

Raji’s thoughts are purely personal: “As I make the preparations to bury my beautiful son, I thought I would share my feelings with you,” she writes.

She says Myu fully accepted that he had broken the law, but had reformed and “was full of life, love and passion.”

He “desperately wanted to live his life in service to help others.”

“I am not sure where you were as the men you ordered to kill my son pulled the trigger,” she says. “But I am sure you were far away.”

She agrees her son did commit a serious crime but he was sorry.

In 10 years in prison, he did “all within his power to make up for his crime.”

NEWS you long suspected, now confirmed: many of the people using Tinder are married.

The Guardian reports that new analysis of the users of the app show that up to 30 per cent are married, and most of them are married men.

Another 12 per cent are in a relationship.

Tinder took the news in its stride, saying: “We never intended it to be a dating platform.’

Apparently, they think people use Tinder to make new and interesting friends! Ha.

YOUR cheap manicure comes at a price.

The New York Times today unveils a major investigation into nail salons, which shows workers being underpaid, over-worked and treated poorly.

The findings may not be relevant to Australian salons, since labour laws are tighter here, but are worrying nonetheless.

The Times says many nail salon workers pay the owner for the right to scrub Western feet, and are then paid in tips.

Those who do get paid make about $35 a day.

Kate Middleton with Princess Charlotte and Prince William

THE Duke and Duchess of Cambridge have requested privacy at their Norfolk home where they travelled with Prince George and Princess Charlotte this week.

Letters warning the media against “acts of harassment” have been distributed among the British media, famed for their intrusive reportage.

Kate and William left London for Anmer Hall, on the Queen’s private Sandringham estate this week.

In the time since it has emerged Norfolk Police have distributed letters stating that while the Cambridge’s are in residence they have a “more than reasonable expectation of privacy.”

Furthermore, “acts of harassment and breaches of privacy to cease.”

According to the UK Press Gazette the letter said: “There have in the past been a number of intrusions into the privacy of the Royal Family, which in the main have been as a result of professional photographers using long-distance lenses, not only to observe the Royal Family, but also to photograph them going about their activities on the estate.”

“The Sandringham Estate trusts that there will not be a need to take any further action other than bringing these points to your attention.”

Duly noted.

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