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Brekky Wrap: what we’re talking about today

William Tyrrell

IT is the saddest, strangest story in Australia, and today’s development does nothing to ease the heartache.

The mother of missing toddler William Tyrrell has pleaded for whoever took him to step forward and give her some hope or at least some peace – but she can’t make the plea personally.

Complicated family dynamics means that William’s parents can’t, by law, be identified. Little William was playing at his grandma’s house when he went missing, wearing a Spiderman suit.

His mother – unnamed, and unable to show her face – said : “If somebody has him and if he is alive, I want him to be safe. I want him to be feeling loved and I want someone to be looking after him.

“To imagine that something else is going on — we can’t live a life like that.

“We need to know where he is and we need to know what happened to him. Because we can’t live forever like this. His sister can’t grow up never knowing what happened to her brother.”

HUNDREDS of girls kidnapped by the terrorist group Boko Haram have been forced into marriage with their captors and raped. A new report from Amnesty International says others in the group have been forced to take up arms and fight.

The 267 schoolgirls from Chibok were abducted on April 14 last year, and a full year later, most are still missing.

The Amnesty report, which you can read in full here says that rape is being used as a weapon of war, despite world-wide condemnation.

YOU thought Kevin Rudd was done? Kevin Rudd is so not done.

The Herald today reports that Rudd wouldn’t mind being UN Secretary General – and the Ruddster doesn’t deny it, saying only that the job won’t be open for a few years yet, and ‘therefore it’s not applicable to yours truly.’

In a move that has widely been seen as a soft job application, Rudd recently gave a TED-talk on US-China relations, in which he made Dad jokes, and people complained that they weren’t funny. Like Dad-jokes are supposed to be funny?

He also appears in Time magazine’s 100 most influential people this week (he’s not on the list; he’s one of the people who gets to nominate the top 100.)

His pick? Over to Rudd: “Two years ago I wrote that Xi Jinping would be China’s most powerful leader since Deng Xiaoping. Now it seems he is likely to be China’s most powerful leader since Mao.”

GOOD news! Kids aren’t smoking at anywhere near the old rate. Bad news! They’re vaping instead.

Vaping? It’s the name given to those wretched e-cigarettes, which are every bit as wicked as the real thing except that the smoke is vapour, and therefore, they don’t stink.

Federal data in the US suggests that American teens doubled their use of e-cigarettes between 2013 and 2014, and where American teens go, their Australians brethren will surely follow.

Why is vaping popular? Creeps who make them have flavoured them, and given them cool names, like Unicorn Puke. So there’s another generation on the hook, from the people who bought you lung cancer.

IN the old days, it was who gets the house, or maybe the dog. These days, it’s who gets the embryos?

In Touch magazine today reports that Nick Loeb, who is the ex-boyfriend of smokin’ hot Modern Family star Sofia Vergara, has filed a suit to prevent the destruction of two female embryos he made with her, back when they were thinking of getting wed.

If that weren’t enough, the lawsuit hangs out the couple’s dirty (and probably contested) laundry, saying Ms Vergara is a hot-head who threw furniture around; and that they tried to get pregnant with a surrogate but it didn’t work, which begs the question: who on earth would want to be famous?

THE search area for missing flight MH370 is set to double, starting from the beginning of May.

In what is the most costly aviation search in history, Chinese, Malaysian and Australian Transport officials met in Kuala Lumpur on Thursday and agreed that if the remains of the plane have not been found by the end of April, that search teams will double their area to 120,000 square kilometres.

As well as the doubling of the search area, the officials also confirmed that the search would be extended another 12 months – the longest transportation search ever conducted.

The plane, carrying 239 people, went missing in March last year.

THE 24-year-old woman who killed a five-year-old boy in a head on collision, while 8 months pregnant, responded with ‘sh*t happens’ when told off the little boy’s death.

Arizona woman, Aaronessa Keaton, was driving with both marijuana and Benzodiazepines (a drug used to treat anxiety and insomnia) in her system when she crashed into a car head on, killing the five year old boy in the backseat.

She was rushed to hospital and had her baby delivered by C-Section.

When an officer came in to inform her that the little boy had passed away from his injured, she allegedly replied ‘sh*t happens’.

Keaton has been charged with manslaughter, and also faces two previous charges of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon and five counts of endangerment.

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