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Man writes down all the reasons his wife cries

Adam Gillies has made a list of the things that make his wife cry- and it's hilarious.

We’ve all been there.

Sometimes the day has been too busy, or things haven’t gone your way, or you’re just super tired, and all it takes is one tiny thing to set you off completely.

Well, comedian Aaron Gillies is so amused with his wife crying “at absolutely anything. I mean, ANYTHING” that he has started writing down the reasons.

It’s adorably cute and she seems to get the most emotional when animals are involved.

When Gillies, who goes by @TechnicallyRon on Twitter, shared the picture, his wife, Lex, suddenly had a whole army of supporters.

One user empathised with the beauty blogger, tweeting: “I once cried at Mastermind because the old man was so clever…”

Another replied: “My wife cries when we watch a cartoon with an extinct animal in it. Ice Age is right out.”

And one user got a bit emotional in the canned goods aisle: “I once cried because there was no tuna in the supermarket.”

Gillies original tweet has been retweeted more than 27,000 times; it seems that quite a few people can relate.

What is the silliest thing that has made you cry?

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