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Dad-of-3 warns others about vaping after pipe explodes in his face, landing him in the ICU

Warning: graphic images.
Dad-of-3 warns others about vaping after pipe explodes in his face, landing him in the ICU

An American man has posted some gruesome injury pictures to his Facebook page in a bid to warn people about the dangers of vape pipes after one exploded in his face.

Andrew Hall, who is a father-of-three, had been getting ready for work when he smoked on the electronic cigarette.

It exploded, causing Mr Hall severe injuries. He explains:

“It exploded in my face. I’ve lost at least 7 teeth, 2nd degree burns to face and neck and have been pulling chunks of plastic, teeth and foreign objects from mouth, throat and lips. I was lucky and they’re[sic] was a huge amount of damage to the room in my house I was in as well.”

He was rushed to the ICU of his local hospital.

If you’re squeamish, best to look away now.

Mr Hall said he’d followed protocol when it came to the vape pipe.

“I Vape (I know, terrible and uncool) but I no longer do and I hope to possible sway those that do to maybe reevaluate or find other methods of smoking. I’ve been doing this for about a year now and assure you I did not do anything I wasn’t supposed to (battery was in right, always had the shop put it together when I first bought it and add things and maintenance it the right way while taking their advice)”.

As well as severely damaging his face, he says the explosion shattered his bathroom sink.

He posted the graphic images to Facebook and at time of publishing, the post has been liked over 62,000 times and shared almost 400,000.

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