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Kyle Sandilands raises eyebrows over “not rapeable” comment

The shock jock agreed the show's psychic was not in danger of being raped by a spirit.
Two people are shown: one with glasses and patterned top, the other in a gray suit and cap.

Shock jock Kyle Sandilands is once again in the spotlight for his comments – this time for deeming the psychic on his show “not rapeable”.


The 44-year-old radio host had psychic Georgina Walker on the show to discuss his father, who died of cancer last March.

“Has my dad come through yet?” Sandilands asked, in which she replied he hadn’t.

“Even in spirit he cares zero.”

Walker told Sandilands that in fact his father had “come through” several times.


“You just need to believe that he’s come through unexpectedly to me a couple of times and you’ve had those messages. So hold onto that within your heart,” she said.

Sandilands said, “He always was a womaniser though so…” to which Walker responded, “Well like father like son, hey?”

Immediately, Sandilands jumped in to ask, “Did he do anything to you?”

“You can have spirit rape. That’s another whole subject but anyway. I’m not rapeable I should say that — not that I want anyone knocking on my door!” Walker said.


Sandilands was quick to emphasise that his guest was not “rapeable”.

“You put it out there now! Nope sorry you can yell that out now,” he said.

“That might work in the spirit world but in the real world we’ve all heard it. I would agree though.

“I just said I agree. She’s not rapeable.”


Walker released a statement defending Sandilands’ comments.

“We were discussing unwanted sexual advances in the spirit world and I brought up the subject of “spirit rape”. I then went on to explain that I was “not rapeable” in the spirit world.

“For context, when one works and walks in the world of spirit, psychic protection is always needed to be aware of low frequency energies; spirits that are not there for the good of mankind and a psychic needs to protect themselves from these intruders.


“One example is “psychic rape” which can occur when such low frequency energies try to attach, attack or even penetrate through the auric field and into the body.

“For this reason I am very mindful of having the strongest possible auric field protection that does not allow such low frequency energies to penetrate my auric field or body, therefore not allowing myself to be subjective to such an experience. Some would say impenetrable or, in layman’s terms, “unrapeable’.

“As detailed in my books and in discussions with Kyle both on and off air about this over many years, Kyle is very much aware of my protection strategies that I use to protect my energy fields and was simply agreeing with me on this matter.


“There is a clear distinction between being raped in the spirit world and the physical world and the two are not related.

“We would never trivialise this matter.”

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