Kate Langbroek has spoken out following news of Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce’s extramarital affair and subsequent child with former staffer Vikki Campion.
Speaking on Hughesy and Kate on 2DayFM, the 52-year-old radio personality described the situation as “horrible, hideous, and terrible” before taking aim at women who sleep with married men.
“It happens a lot, but here’s the thing and maybe I say this because I am a woman,” she said.
“Don’t get me wrong, I totally hold Barnaby Joyce to account for his own actions. But I’m not a man, so all I can speak for is on behalf of myself as a woman and to other women: Stop f***ing married men. Just don’t do it. Stop doing it.”
Kate, a mother-of-four, went on to deliver a strong message to those women considering getting involved with a married man.
“You might think that you’re getting something out of it, but you’re not — yes, she’s getting a baby — but you’re getting so much pain and misery and bad juju.”
She also said that not knowing someone’s wife was “not an excuse.
“The fact is you know of their existence,” Kate said.
“If you want to sleep with him, then he’s got a choice to split up with his family and split up with his wife and then he can come to you unencumbered, that’s fine, people fall in love all the time and relationships are complicated.”
“But when you sleep with a married man, you’re a bad person. You can put whatever spin on it you want, but you’re a rotten person. So is the rotten man you’ve slept with, but I am not talking about the men.”
The controversial comments have received praise on social media, with many describing the tirade as “well said.”
“Well said Kate!! Women need to stop hurting other woman and Remember if he did it with you he’ll do it to You!!!” one commenter on Facebook, while another added: “I have never written on one of these pages/forums before but felt compelled to do so after seeing an article about Kate’s comments… SPOT ON, thanks for speaking up!”
The Hughesy and Kate Facebook page was sure to stress, “Kate is speaking only for the women in a situation like this.”
Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce’s wife Natalie Joyce recently shared her “devastation” at learning that her estranged husband is expecting a baby with a woman he used to work with.
Speaking to The Australian, Mrs Joyce said that she is deeply saddened by the news which has sent upset through her family.
“This situation is devastating on many fronts. For my girls who are affected by the family breakdown and for me as a wife of 24 years, who placed my own career on hold to support Barnaby through his political life,” she said.
Mrs Joyce hinted at betrayal, explaining that their family had let office and campaign staff into their home and lives.
“Naturally we also feel hurt by the actions of Barnaby and the staff member involved,” she said, before pleading for privacy during this time.

Mr Joyce is pictured with his former wife of 24-years, Natalie.
Mr Joyce has also spoken out about the news during an appearance on ABC’s 7:30 program.
“So it’s a private matter and I don’t think it helps me, I don’t think it helps my family, I don’t think it helps anybody in the future to start making this a public discussion. As much as I can I will keep private matters private,” he told host Leigh Sales.
“Once we start going through this salami slicing of private life, where does it end?”
“I don’t think it’s right. I don’t think it would be right for any other politician,” he said.
Sales countered his request for privacy by asking if this behavior meant we should be questioning his “loyalty and trustworthiness”.
“I am not for one minute saying that that is an admirable trait. It’s obviously incredible painful for everyone involved,” he responded.
WATCH: Barnaby Joyce speaks about the news on ABC’s 7:30. Post continues…
Ms Campion, 33, worked as Mr Joyce’s media advisor before she moved into a more senior role with Resources Minister Matt Canavan in April last year.
The mother-to-be then joined the office of Nationals chief parliamentary whip Damian Drum, before losing her job when Mr Drum moved from his role to become the Assistant Minister to the Deputy Prime Minister.
She is yet to speak publicly about the news.