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Jared Fogle has been sentenced to 15 years in prison

The former Subway spokesperson was sentenced at a hearing in Indianapolis on Thursday after pleading guilty to charges relating to sexual conduct involving minors.

Jared Fogle, a former Subway spokesperson, has been sentenced to more than 15 years in prison after his attorneys said that he suffers from hypersexuality and alcohol problems.

Fogle pled guilty to federal charges relating to child pornography and sexual conduct involving minors, as assistant U.S. attorney Steven DeBrota told the court that his client “can’t control his demons”.

The 38-year-old faced two counts: travelling to engage in illicit sexual conduct with a minor, and distribution and receipt of child pornography.

The Associated Press reported that while prosecutors had recommended a sentence of 12-and-a-half years, U.S. District Court Judge Tanya Walton Pratt felt that it did not “sufficiently account for the defendant’s criminal conduct.”

“The level of perversion and lawlessness exhibited by Mr. Fogle is extreme,” Pratt said.

Court documents filed by Fogle’s attorneys said that a psychiatrist had analysed Fogle and found that he was suffering from hypersexuality, “mild paedophilia” and alcohol abuse and dependency.

John Bradford, a professor at the University of Ottawa in Canada, testified that Fogle began to develop hypersexuality shortly after losing weight which, he believed, stemmed from a compulsive eating disorder.

He also went on to say that Fogle told him he had sex with minors age 16 and 17, had a “fairly extensive history” of using prostitutes, and had masturbated to fantasies about pre-pubescent girls.

Jared Fogle

Fogle’s family were emotional as he was taken in to immediate custody, the Indianapolis Star reported.

“Fogle showed little emotion as the judge announced the sentence Thursday. Some of Fogle’s family members in the courtroom started crying and hugging each other.

“Federal marshals had Fogle remove his suit jacket, tie and belt before they handcuffed him behind his back. Fogle blew kisses to relatives as he was led away.”

The sentencing comes after the ex-Subway spokesperson- who had helped the fast food chain re-brand as a healthier option when he said that he had lost 200 pounds by exercising and eating their sandwiches- had his house raided by police in July this year.

Fogle, centre, is led from a court building in Indianapolis

It was believed that Fogle had received images and videos of naked children from the former executive director of his charity foundation, Russell Taylor.

Court documents also claimed that Fogle had used websites to solicit commercial sex and had travelled to engage in sexual acts with minors.

Fogle spoke before he was sentenced on Thursday, saying: “Not a day will go by when I don’t think about what I did to (the victims).”

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