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Investigation into Justine Damond’s shooting complete

And a murder charge could be laid against the officer who shot her.
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Our country was rocked by the senseless death of Justine Damond, the Australian woman who was living in Minnesota when she was gunned down by a police officer outside her home.

The shooting occurred just weeks before she was due to marry her long-time love, Don Damond.

Justine had phoned the police after hearing a “distressed” woman in the alleyway outside her house.

When officers responded to the call, Justine was fatally shot. She was wearing her pyjamas at the time.

Officer Noor.

Minnesota’s Bureau of Criminal Apprehension has now completed a preliminary investigation into Justine’s shooting. A prosecutor will now decide if Mohamed Noor, the officer who shot Justine, will be charged.

County lawyer Mike Freeman said he’s considering a murder charge against Noor. The disgraced Officer Noor has refused to give a statement to police.

While a murder charge is being considered, Freeman says a a charge of second-degree manslaughter is more likely.

Justine’s fiancé Don Damond released the following statement: “The wait continues for Justine’s family and me”.

“We want to see justice for Justine and hope that the Hennepin County Attorney will act swiftly to review the findings and determine charges.”

The Star Tribune reports Freeman will make his decision by the end of the year.

Justine with fiancé Don and stepson, Zach.

Minnesota Police released 911 transcripts after it happened.


Time: 23:27:02

Operator: 911, what’s the address of the emergency?

Caller: Hi, I’m, I can hear someone out the back and I, I’m not sure if she’s having sex or being raped.

Operator: Give me the address.

Caller: 5024 Washburn Avenue South.

Operator: Washburn Avenue South. You said it’s behind (inaudible)?

Caller: And there’s a (inaudible) out the back, yup, yup. And I think she just yelled out “help” but it’s difficult the sound has been going on for a while, but I think, I don’t think she’s enjoying it. I think it’s, I don’t know.

Operator: Okay, well I already got a call started and help on the way. Uh, you can’t see anything, you’re just hearing a female screaming then, is that what you’re saying?

Caller: Yeah. It sounds like sex noises, but it’s been going on for a while and I think she tried to say help and it sounds distressed.

Operator: Okay, I’ve already got an officer on the way. What is your name?

Caller: JUSTINE.

Operator: JUSTINE, what’s your last name?

Caller: JUSTINE.

Operator: JUSTINE.

Caller: Yeah.

Operator: And a phone number?

Caller: (redacted)

Operator: Okay, we’ve already got help on the way. If anything changes before we get there just give us a call right back, but officers should be there soon.

Caller: Thanks.

Operator: Okay, not a problem.

Time: 23:35:23

Operator: 911, what is the address of the emergency?

Caller: Hi, I just reported one, but no one’s here and was wondering if they got the address wrong.

Operator: What’s the address?

Caller: 5024 Washburn Avenue South. It supposed to be Washburn Avenue South.

Operator: Are you JUSTINE?

Caller: Yeah, (inaudible).

Operator: You’re hearing a female screaming?

Caller: Yes, along behind the house.

Operator: Yup, officers are on the way there.

Caller: Thank you.

Operator: You’re welcome, bye.

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