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Ingenious council campaign to keep women safe on dates has gone viral

The world is loving this idea started by one council in the UK.

It’s a simple but clever idea: someone who feels unsafe or uncomfortable in a dating, bar, or nightclub situation goes up to the venue’s staff and “asks for Angela”.

From there, the clued-in staff will “know you need some help getting out of your situation and will call you a taxi or help you out discreetly – without too much fuss”. Is that ingenious or what?

Lincolnshire county council, in England’s east, implemented the Ask for Angela initiative to help people in bars and clubs leave situations they do not feel safe in. It is part of their #NoMore campaign to stop sexual violence abuse in the council area – and it’s gone off on Twitter.

This tweet from a Lincolnshire local started a wave that has travelled around the world garnering love and support. It’s already been retweeted more than 26,000 times.

What do you think about starting something like it here?

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