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How your scented candle is killing you

Scented candles and air fresheners could be releasing fatal fumes into your homes.
scented candles

Scientists reveal that air fresheners and fragrant candles could be emitting a deadly cocktail of chemicals into your home reports The Sun.

Professor Alistair Lewis of the National Centre for Atmospheric Science at the University of New York conducted a series of tests on houses over five days where he tested the “volatile organic chemicals” (VOCs).

Chemicals such as benzene and alpha-pinene were present however limonene was the most common chemical released by air-fresheners, scented candles, and plug-ins.

Limonene itself is not so bad, apparently, but on exposure to the ozone the limonene molecules morph into formaldehyde, a poisonous chemical linked to causing cancer and often used in embalming and heavy industry.

Further research suggested that certain types of house plants lessened the dangerous chemicals in the air by absorbing them, but perhaps simple fresh air is the safest solution of all.

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