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Hillary Clinton has been diagnosed with pneumonia

Just 56 days until the US presidential election Hillary Clinton has been diagnosed with pneumonia.

Just 56 days until the US presidential election Hillary Clinton has been diagnosed with pneumonia.

The Democratic presidential candidate suffered a shock collapse at a 9/11 commemoration ceremony on Sunday in New York and since then her doctors have revealed that the 68-year-old has been suffering from pneumonia.

While there was video showing Clinton leave on Sunday being held up by her aids and shuffled into a car doctor’s say said she is now “re-hydrated and recovering nicely”.

After her dazed exit from the official 9/11 proceedings Clinton re-emerged from her daughter’s Flatiron district apartment where she went to rest for 90 minutes and came out to tell reporters she was “feeling great”.

According to the New York Times a chipper Hillary said, “It’s a beautiful day in New York,” but she and her motorcade left without the group of reporters who are supposed to travel with her to public events.

Hillary’s health scare would come as good news to her Republican opponents who have been furiously trying to undermine her presidential ability with comments about her being in poor health.

Last week Clinton suffered from a coughing fit while giving a speech at a rally in Cleveland which Donald Trump sought to aggressively mine as a weakness in his adversary.

But during her coughing episode Clinton quipped to the crowd: “I’ve been talking so much. Every time I think about Trump I get allergic.”

Pneumonia is a type of lung infection, caused by a virus or bacteria. According to Victorian Health, Pneumonia is not a serious condition for those normally in good health and in “many cases, the person’s own immune system can deal with the infection, but antibiotics may sometimes assist recovery.”

The Clinton camp has previously called comments about Hillary’s heath as a “deranged conspiracy”.

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