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Father outraged by ‘uncomfortable’ pat-down on 10-year-old daughter

She told her dad that she “felt like screaming” after it was over

An outraged father has posted a video of his 10-year-old daughter being patted down at an international airport in North Carolina, after she forgot about a juice box or mobile phone in her back pack.

Video of the incident shows the child standing with arms out and legs apart while being patted down by a female agent.

Kevin Payne, from California, says his daughter Vendela was ‘touched inappropriately’ and is still shaken by the incident.

She told her dad that she “felt like screaming” after it was over.

Kevin appeared on ABC News’ Good Morning America yesterday, saying that he felt it was “incredibly inappropriate, very invasive” and that the pat-down “violated” his daughter.

The Transport Safety Administration says his daughter’s bag contained “a cellphone that alarmed, requiring additional resolution procedures” and that the pat-down was “observed by the parent.”

Commenters on YouTube are split on the issue, with some saying safety comes first, and others saying the child was molested.

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