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Exploding candles from Kmart: Customers demand recall

The $6 candles have been blamed for second-degree burns but the retailer is not admitting liability.

Google “exploding candles Kmart” and a raft of Facebook posts come up. It seems some of the cheap candles being sold at the discount department store are not only fire hazards but also dangerous.

The [Daily Mail](http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3824620/Outraged-customers-demand-Kmart-recall-6-candles-explode.html#ixzz4MMdoDJKL |target=”_blank”) interviewed Queensland man Chris Page after his wife Cindy posted images of her husband’s second degree burns on Facebook. Chris was hospitalised with serious burns when he tried to stop a $6 vanilla and fig candle setting his home on fire.

“This is what happens when a $6 Kmart candle explodes! Kmart are not taking any responsibility for this and are still stocking and selling the candles,” she wrote.

“As you can see this has happened to several people and Kmart have not acknowledged it on a single occasion. Something needs to be done. Please share this to as many people as you can to spread the word then hopefully Kmart might take some responsibility.”

Cindy’s post has already been shared more than 13,000 times and growing. And it includes a series of images showing her husband’s burns and also screen shots of other people that have experienced Kmart’s exploding candles.

Chris told The Daily Mail that he was standing in a doorway when the candle exploded and he ran into the room where remnants of the candle and its glass container were strewn across the room burning the carpet.

The 44-year-old, who had to spend a night in hospital because of his injuries, submitted a claim to Kmart owner Wesfarmers for hundreds of dollars in medical bills, lost wages and about $1,000 to replace the carpet.

But his claim was denied because the company said he had not followed the warning label that said not to burn the candle past one centimetre in height and not to handle it while it was burning.

“Whilst we are sorry to hear that you were injured and that your property was damaged, we do not consider Kmart can be held liable and we are unable to compensate you,” it said.

As shown by Cindy’s post – and a quick Google search – the exploding candles have struck before.

Kmart Australia responded to the Daily Mail and said it was committed to the quality and safety of all its products.

“We test our candles, list safety instructions and when adhered to the product is safe to use,” the retailer said.”’We encourage all those who own a candle to review these instructions as a safety precaution.”

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