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“I’m never hiring a girl again”: Hollywood assistant shares disgusting email sent by former boss

Warning: this post contains offensive and coarse language.
Rosette Laursen, Hollywood, Email

A disgustingly sexist email has gone viral after the boss of a Hollywood talent agency accidentally hit ‘reply all.’

Rosette Laursen, the unintended recipient who has since left her role as an assistant at the agency, received the response after requesting an unpaid day of leave to take part in ‘A Day Without A Woman’ — a one-day demonstration designed to help others recognise the enormous value women bring to the workplace.

A reasonable request, one would think…

But Ms Laursen received the following reply, which she notes was only intended for the eyes of two (male) coworkers:

“Are you f****ng kidding me. At the end of pilot season. Someone should sew her vagina shut. I’m never hiring a girl ever again,” he wrote.”

“No bonus for anyone that strikes or leaves early in pilot season. No one is striking in show business we are all against Trump. And women are considered diverse and being shoved in as writer and directors. Zach who is a Jewish male is being pushed out.”

He added: “Uppity Selfish C***. Heather went to work. I’m sure anyone at a casting office or agency would be fired.”

Ms Laursen also said she recieved lingerie as her Christmas bonus. (Image via Facebook / Rosette Laursen).

Ms Laursen was then contacted via text message, with the following semblance of an apology:

“I apologize for venting like a misogynistic fa**t. I was letting off steam I didn’t mean to hit reply all. I’m an ahole. If you come back we can play Nazi death camp. You can beat me and put me in the oven. Or feed me cabbage and lock me in the shower. I am truly sorry.”

Without any elaboration, she responded: “I quit.”

After attempting to pursue legal action for workplace harassment (with her boss choosing to simply ignore all communication), the former assistant decided to take matters into her own hands by sharing the shocking messages on social media.

In doing so she named Michael Einfeld of Michael Einfeld Management as the man behind the diatribe.

“I don’t think Michael should be allowed to continue his inappropriate behavior with zero repercussions,” she wrote on Facebook. “If he has gotten away with it for this long, then there are probably countless similar situations in the entertainment industry that go unmentioned.”

She added: “This is something that needs to change.”

We’re with you on that.

If you have experienced harassment at work please call Fair Work on 13 13 94 or visit their website.

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