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‘She’s a monster and not strong enough to lead’: Donald Trump ups his personal attacks on Hillary Clinton

Donald Trump has intensified his personal attacks on Hillary Clinton, labelling her a "monster", “unbalanced” and "unstable".

Donald Trump has intensified his personal attacks on Hillary Clinton, labelling her a “monster”, “unbalanced” and “unstable” at a series of campaign events on Friday.

Out to magnify the controversies that have affected the Democratic nominee’s campaign Trump – who is not in any way a psychologist – chose to target Clinton’s mindset and suggest she had many mental issues.

“Unstable Hillary Clinton, lacks the judgment, temperament and moral character to lead this country — and I believe that so strongly,” Trump said at a rally in Des Moines, Iowa, according to CNN.

“She’s really pretty close to unhinged, and you’ve seen, you’ve seen it a couple times. The people in the background know it, the people who know her know it, and she’s like an unbalanced person.”

The Republican presidential nominee also tagged his rival with taunts about her being “dangerous” and “pathological” before warning voters that Hillary would lead to “the destruction of this country from within.”

“In one way she’s a monster,” Trump said in Green Bay, Wisconsin, reports CNN. “In another way she’s a weak person. She’s actually not strong enough to be president.”

Trump seems to have stepped up his personal attacks of the democratic leader after a drop in the polls and more well-known republicans have stepped out to question his ability to lead.

According to CNN “a longtime Jeb Bush adviser, Sally Bradshaw, last week said she had become an independent, adding if the presidential race in Florida is close, she’ll vote for Hillary Clinton.”

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