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Details emerge about the death of Ashley Olsen

A man has been charged with the murder of 35-year-old American tourist Ashley Olsen in Florence.

A Senegalese migrant who entered Italy illegally just two months ago has been charged with the murder of Ashley Olsen in Florence.

Ashley, 35, was found dead in her apartment last week.

Her Instagram page suggested that she had a stalker, since she had put up several worrying posts with the hashtag #ihaveastalker in recent weeks.

NBC reports

that police in Italy have arrested Tidiane Cheik Diaw, a 25-year-old man from Senegal, on the basis of DNA evidence found under Olsen’s fingernails and on a cigarette butt and a used condom in her apartment.

Prosecutor Giuseppe Creazzo says that based on CCTV footage and other evidence, it appears that Olsen met Diaw for the first time at a nightclub last Friday and they went to her apartment.

He says that after they had what evidence suggests was consensual sex, Diaw apparently “slammed her head against something twice,” fracturing her skull, and then strangled her. “We don’t believe it was a sex game gone wrong,” he says.

Creazzo adds that Diaw, who arrived in Italy illegally a few months ago, is also connected to the murder by Olsen’s phone, which he apparently stole and used with his own SIM card.

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