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Could a cancer drug cure paedophilia?

A drug for prostate cancer could cure paedophilia, some psychiatrists have claimed.

The £1,000-a-year prostate cancer medicine works by stopping testosterone from being produced and it’s hoped the drug will reduce sex drive and curb any “urges,” The Sun reports.

A team of researchers from Karolinska Institute in Stockholm are trying to develop a test that spots potential paedophiles which would then allow doctors to administer jabs of the drug called degarelix, before any crimes are committed.

They’re now launching a crowd funding appeal, with the aim of raising £38,000 to fund clinical trials and therefore “make the world a safer place for children.

“With this project, I want to explore methods of preventing child sexual abuse from happening in the first place,” project leader, Dr Christoffer Rahm said.

Thirty men will be given degarelix and undergo psychological tests – designed to measure their sex drive, impulse control and empathy.

Their results will then be compared to a group who have been given a dummy jab.

All of those participating in the study will be volunteers who are worried about their urges- but who haven’t been convicted of any crime.

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